Perfect Grid is a package that calculates image dimensions to fill a grid line while preserving the aspect ratio of all aspect ratio of all images.
You can install Perfect Grid using either yarn or npm. Here are the commands:
yarn add perfect-grid
npm i perfect-grid
If you're using Vite, you'll need to install the vite-plugin-wasm
To use Perfect Grid, you'll need to provide the following information:
- An array of aspect ratios for your images/videos/other media (in Float64Array format)
- The width of the grid area
Ex: 1526
- The minimum height for all items on a line
Ex: 200
- The maximum height for all items on a line
Ex: 444
- The minimum width for each item
Ex: 175
- The gap size
Ex: 4
import { get_optimal_grid } from "perfect-grid";
const result = get_optimal_grid(
new Float64Array([0.6678, 1.5086, 0.5623, 0.6666, 1.7396, 1.7396]), // Aspect ratios
1526.0, // Full area width
200.0, // Min item height
444.0, // Max item height
175.0, // Min item width
4.0 // Gap
// The result is a list of height per item
console.log(result); // [444, 444, 444, 444, 437, 437]
To use Perfect Grid with ResizeObserver, you can create a new instance of ResizeObserver and attach it to the container element that you want to observe for size changes. Then, in the callback function for the ResizeObserver, you can call the get_optimal_grid function with the updated container width and the other required parameters.
Here's an example implementation:
import { get_optimal_grid } from "perfect-grid";
// Get the container element that you want to observe for size changes
const container = document.getElementById("my-container");
// Create a new instance of ResizeObserver and attach it to the container element
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
// Get the new container width from the first entry in the list of entries
const newWidth = entries[0].contentRect.width;
// Call the get_optimal_grid function with the updated container width and the other required parameters
const result = get_optimal_grid(
new Float64Array([0.6678, 1.5086, 0.5623, 0.6666, 1.7396, 1.7396]), // Aspect ratios
newWidth, // Full area width
200.0, // Min item height
444.0, // Max item height
175.0, // Min item width
4.0 // Gap
// Update the item heights with the new values from the result
const items = container.querySelectorAll(".item");
items.forEach((item, index) => { = `${result[index]}px`;
// Start observing the container element for size changes