
1.0.51 • Public • Published


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Manage emails queue stored on top of PostgreSQL and auto-send them using your own custom configurations.

const PgMailer = require('pg-mailer');

const pgConnection = 'postgres://user:pass@host/database';
const transporterConfiguration = {
        host: '',
        port: 587,
        secure: false, // true for 465, false for other ports
        auth: {
            user: 'username'
            pass: 'password'

const pgMailer = new PgMailer(transporterConfiguration, pgConnection);

pg-mailer is a "batteries included" mailer written in Node.js. It uses pg-boss to manage a queue (stored in PostgreSQL DB) of emails (jobs) that are waiting to be sent and then send them using nodemailer.

If that's all you need, just init it using your custom configurations just like the example above.

For more examples/options of postgres connection (1st parameter passed to pg-mailer constructor), please see this configurations page.

For more examples/options of transporter configurations (2nd parameter passed to pg-mailer constructor), please see this configurations page.

Basic Usage Functions



  • shouldClearQueue: bool

returns: Promise (resolves the same PgMailer instance used during invocation for convenience)

Init and start the engine using the configurations passed on the constructor. If you'd like to clear previous uncompleted emails on queue, just pass true (shouldClearQueue) to the start function.




  • options: object

Set the queue options. For the complete options list visit this link.

const options = {
	retryLimit: 3,
	startIn: 30

enqueue(email, additionalDetails)


  • email: object, email to be sent - follow this options
  • additionalDetails: object, additional details that will be passed to the events-driven functions

returns: Promise (resolves an object containing jobId which is a unique identifier for the job in the queue and onAfterQueueResult which is the returend value of the setOnAfterQueue function)

Enqueues the email and returns jobId (a unique identifier of it in the queue). The additionalDetails object will be passed to the Optional Events-Driven Functions.

const options = {
	retryLimit: 3,
	startIn: 30


returns: Promise (resolves the number of uncompleted jobs/emails that were cancelled)

Cancel all uncompleted emails in queue.



Asynchronous function that stops the PgMailer instance from working on active queue. Doesn't clear the queue!


Optional Events-Driven Functions

setOnBeforeQueue(email, additionalDetails)


  • email: object, the email argument passed to the enqueue function.
  • additionalDetails: object, the additionalDetails argument passed to the enqueue function.

Set a function that will be automatically executes right before enqueuing a new email.

pgMailer.setOnBeforeQueue(function(email, additionalDetails) {
	// do something

setOnAfterQueue(jobId, email, additionalDetails, onBeforeQueueResult)


  • jobId: uuid, the unique identifier of the job (email) in the queue.
  • email: object, the email argument passed to the enqueue function.
  • additionalDetails: object, the additionalDetails argument passed to the enqueue function.
  • onBeforeQueueResult: any, the returned value of the function (if defined) setOnBeforeQueue.

Set a function that will be automatically executes right after enqueuing a new email. Can return a value that will be returned as part of the object returned from the enqueue function.

pgMailer.setOnAfterQueue(function(jobId, email, additionalDetails, onBeforeQueueResult) {
	// do something

setOnBeforeSend(jobId, email, additionalDetails)


  • jobId: uuid, the unique identifier of the job (email) in the queue.
  • email: object, the email argument passed to the enqueue function.
  • additionalDetails: object, the additionalDetails argument passed to the enqueue function.

Set a function that will be automatically executes right before sending the email.

pgMailer.setOnBeforeSend(function(jobId, email, additionalDetails) {
	// do something

setOnAfterSendSuccess(jobId, successedAddresses, additionalDetails, onBeforeSendResult)


  • jobId: uuid, the unique identifier of the job (email) in the queue.
  • successedAddresses: array, all the email addresses the email was successfully sent to.
  • additionalDetails: object, the additionalDetails argument passed to the enqueue function.
  • onBeforeSendResult: any, the returned value of the function (if defined) setOnBeforeSendResult.

Set a function that will be automatically executes right after successfully sending the email.

pgMailer.setOnAfterSendSuccess(function(jobId, successedAddresses, additionalDetails, onBeforeSendResult) {
	// do something

setOnAfterSendFail(jobId, failedAddresses, additionalDetails, onBeforeSendResult)


  • jobId: uuid, the unique identifier of the job (email) in the queue.
  • failedAddresses: array, all the email addresses the email was failed to be sent to.
  • additionalDetails: object, the additionalDetails argument passed to the enqueue function.
  • onBeforeSendResult: any, the returned value of the function (if defined) setOnBeforeSendResult.

Set a function that will be automatically executes right after failed attempt to send the email.

pgMailer.setOnAfterSendFail(function(jobId, failedAddresses, additionalDetails, onBeforeSendResult) {
	// do something

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  • roytz