Alright, here is how to pronounce /fʊkb buːi/ in the most pleasant way.
Flickity Responsive - Adds
option for Flickity (over 700k hits/month on jsDelivr 🤯) - Lipsum Generator - Generate lorem ipsum dummy text in a drop of a hat (~4K users 🎉).
- Scroll Snooper - A mimic version of GSAP Scroll Trigger
- Easy Select - VanillaJS library to style the native select tag easily
- Easy Popup - Super light-weight JavaScript library to create simple popups
- Easy Tab Accordion - Javascript library to create tabs or accordion
- PiaJS - A simple, light-weight JavaScript API for handling browser storage
- Frontend-debug - Debug tool for front-end dev
- Overlapping Slider - Small GSAP slider library
- Atomic CSS - Customizable Atomic CSS Framework
- ACF Icomoon - Advanced Custom Field add-on to select IcoMoon
- Lead Front-end Developer at ViiVue Web Design Company
- Guest HTML5 Game Developer at HotCross