A software based detection module for the Raspberry Pi camera using the Pi-Camera module.
Wanna Contribute or Help Out?
Feel free to head over to the GitHub page for pi-motion-detection and submit comments, issues, pulls, and whatever else you'd like. I plan on adding features as I need them for my own projects so if something isn't happening fast enough for you why not fix it? (:
// NPM 5npm install pi-motion-detection // Older NPM versionsnpm install pi-motion-detection --save
Basic usage
const path = ;const MotionDetectionModule = ;const motionDetector = captureDirectory: path; motionDetector; motionDetector; motionDetector;
Constructor Options
const motionDetector = // Required captureDirectory: foo // Directory to store tmp photos and video captures. Those will be written into // captureDirectory/images and captureDirectory/videos respectively // Optional continueAfterMotion: false // Defaults to false // Flag to control if motion detection will continue after detection captureVideoOnMotion: false // Defaults to false // Flag to control video capture on motion detection;