TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.10 • Public • Published

About PicoEvent

PicoEvent is a type safe event bus for Angular 4+ apps.

PicoEvent is installed with NPM:

npm install picoevent

Report bugs and submit pull requests at https://github.com/zolo/picoevent

When to use PicoEvent

RxJS is a powerful API for dealing with observable streams asynchronouly.

PicoEvent simplies certain use cases while adding type safety. Since PicoEvent is just a library using RxJS, you can still use RxJS as usual in your Angular apps.

Basic Usage

Import PicoEventModule:

  import { PicoEventModule } from 'picoevent';

  imports: [
export class MyModule { }

Create one or more message types. Pico allows you to create a typesafe channel for sending messages of this type.

class SimpleTextMessage {
    constructor(public value: string) { }

Inject PicoEvent into your components and services. In a real-world application, several components and services will be listening and/or sending to the same channel.

import { PicoEvent } from "picoevent";

export class MyComponent {
    private channelSubscription: Subscription;

    constructor(private pico: PicoEvent) { }

    // Subscribe to SimpleTextMessage events
    ngOnInit() {

            = this.pico.listen(SimpleTextMessage, msg => {
            // Do something interesting here
            console.log("Got: " + msg.value);

    // Make sure to unsubscribe when the component is destroyed
    ngOnDestroy() {

    // On button click, sends message to everyone listening on the 
    // SimpleTextMessage channel
    onSendMessage() {
        this.pico.publish(new SimpleTextMessage(this.message));

Using event targets

PicoEvent#listen can also take an array of target names you wish to listen to:

    this.channelSubscription = this.pico.listen(
          type: SimpleTextMessage,
          targets: ['chat-target']
    msg => { console.log('Got a new message: ' + msg.value)  });

PicoEvent#publish takes the same optional second argument, which is the array of target names. Only channel listeners with one or more matching target names will receive the event.

    // Make sure only the chat and log targets receive the message
    this.pico.publish(new SimpleTextMessage('A new chat message'), ['chat-target', 'log-target']);

Targets give you fine grained control over who receives particular events.




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  • zolo