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1.0.1 • Public • Published

Pino New Relic

This is a legacy Pino Transport to ship logs to New Relic.

Use with an Applicaiton using Pino Logger

Let's say you have a cool web server/application that uses Pino Logger. Just add pino-new-relic to your project using your favorite package manager. Here's how you do it with yarn:

$ yarn add pino-new-relic

Now just pipe your application's output to pino-new-relic. This can be done by updating your start script in your package.json file:

 "start": "node myapp.js | pino-new-relic [options]",

Options and Configuration

Here are the flags that can be passed to pino-new-relic. They can also be configured via envars, also described below. Args will override envars.

flag envar description default
-d, --dryrun PN_DRYRUN Do not send to New Relic, but write to stdout. false
-a, --api-key PN_API_KEY New Relic license key (required if dryrun is false). ''
-i, --interval-ms PN_INTERVAL_MS Interval to send accumulated log lines. 1000
-m, --max-lines PN_MAX_LINES Maximum number of lines to send to New Relic. Triggers a send. 100
-e, --eu PN_EU Use New Relic EU endpoint. false
-o, --echo-on PN_ECHO_ON Turns on echoing log stream as it would be sent to New Relic. Otherwise, nothing it outputed. false
-z, --gzip PN_GZIP Compress log lines before sending to New Relic. false

No configuration is required, but if no New Relic License Key is included and dryrun is not set to true then the logger will error.

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  • holmok