pkgtrap: Install WebR packages to a local filesystem directory
is a small Node.js CLI application to make it easier to sync WebR WASM R
packages to a local filesystem for CLI or web apps.
See the WebR CLI Book for details.
It is intended to be run as a CLI and is on NPM, so you can install it via:
$ npm install -g pkgtrap
You can also install the latest development version from GitLab:
$ npm install -g git+
pkgtrap --help
Usage: pkgtrap [options] [packages...]
Makes a local copy of a list of WebR WASM packages and their dependencies.
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --output-dir <dir> path to output directory where WebR WASM packages
will be installed (will be created if it does not
exist) (default: "./pkgs")
-h, --help display help for command
defaults to using a local-to-current-working-directory
directory but you can specify an alternate one via -o
Here’s an example run that loads up {fs} and {glue}
pkgtrap fs glue
Creating output directory /Users/hrbrmstr/projects/pkgtrap/pkgs
Mounting output directory to WebR's Emscripten filesystem…
Installing designated packages…
Downloading webR package: fs
Downloading webR package: glue
Syncing packages to /Users/hrbrmstr/projects/pkgtrap/pkgs
tree -L 1 ./pkgs
├── fs
└── glue
3 directories, 0 files