A collection of useful vector math functions for PlayCanvas. Adds to the prototypes of pc.Vec3, pc.Quat and pc.Entity.
npm install --save playcanvas-vector-math
//Extend pc.Quat/pc.Vectorimport 'playcanvas-vector-math' ... //Get the +/- angle between two vectors var angle = this.entity.forward.angle(this.enemy.forward); //Get the twist around a particular axis //that would not work for all Euler angle representations let rotation = this.entity.getRotation();let yAxisRotation = rotation.twist(pc.Vec3.UP);let comparitiveRotation = rotation.twist(this.entity.up); //Get a rotation from one vector to another//e.g. get the rotation to apply to make a thing point upwards let rotation = new pc.Quat().fromToRotation(this.entity.up, hit.normal);this.entity.setRotation(rotation.mul(this.entity.getRotation())); //Get a rotation to a target point let targetRotation = new pc.Quat().lookAt(this.entity.getPosition(), enemy.getPosition()); //Transform a vector by a Quaternion someVector.mul(this.entity.getRotation()); //Clamp a line to within a rectangle defined as a plane point, plane normal,//halfWidth and halfHeight import {clampToPlaneArea} from 'playcanvas-vector-math/line-plane' let size = reachWindow.getLocalScale();let direction = clampToPlaneArea(this.entity.getPosition(), this.entity.forward, reachWindow.getPosition(), reachWindow.up, size.x, size.z); let rotate = new pc.Quat().fromToRotation(this.entity.forward, direction);this.entity.setRotation(rotate.mul(this.entity.getRotation()));
Requires PlayCanvas Engine to be running on the page. Uses ES6/Babel/PlayCanvas template.