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Pm2 Process Manager

Manage pm2 process(es) with style and ease. Cache the pm2 process(es) Datas and access them at any time to get almost live stats!

Why to use it?

  • Display Pm2 Process Stats (memory-Usage, Cpu-Usage, uptime, restart amounts, etc.)
  • Easily restart, stop & manage pm2 Processes

Planned Features:

  • Optional Web-Dashboard
  • Process-Database-Management with Environment Variables [e.g. for Discord Bots]
  • Process Grouping via Users and Name-Group Prefixes & Suffixes


npm install pm2-process-manager


If you have on your System pm2 as a process manager, and wanna show stats or manage the processes via the pm2 api, on a modern and efficient, cached way. Then use this package!

  • It's caching the pm2 process datas, which makes it possible to show the statusses of each process individually.
  • It's making it easy to restart, stop, delete processes
  • It's possible to get the logs via strings!
  • Soon you'll be able to use all pm2 functions!

How to use it?

  • Initialize the Manager
import { Pm2Manager } from "./pm2CacheManager/lib/index.js"
const pm2 = new Pm2Manager({ updateCacheInterval: 5000 });
  • How to access the cache

After a couple moments, it's already cached (less than 500ms) Every updateCacheInterval-ms it's updating the Cache!

const data1 = pm2.cache.get("processName");
const data2 = pm2.cache.get(11) // or with process Id
  • Most important Datas are parsed and easily accessable, here is an example!

Example output when getting the cache data, if it's available

  pm2Id: 11,
  pm2Name: "Project Great",
  status: "online",
  processId: 1472,
  memoryUsage: {
    pm2Raw: 90128384,
    megaBytes: 85.95,
    formatted: "85.95 MB",
  cpuUsage: {
    percent: 0.7,
    formatted: "70%"
  execPath: "/usr/bin/node", 
  cwd: "/home/project/great", 
  logOutputPath: "/root/.pm2/logs/Project-Great-out.log",
  logErrorsPath: "/root/.pm2/logs/Project-Great-error.log",
  execMode: "fork", // 'fork' | 'cluster'
  uptime: {
    pm2Raw: 1682751244258,
    startTimestamp: 1682751244258,
    startDate: 2023-04-29T06:54:04.258Z,
    upSinceSec: 8847.245
  pm2Env: {  },
  • How to restart/stop/delete a process?
pm2.restart(11); // via pm2 id
pm2.delete("name") // via pm2 name
pm2.stop("Other Name") // via a different Name

List of Methods and Properties

  • Import-able (what you can import { ... } from "pm2-process-manager")
Name Type Usage Description
Pm2Manager Main Class - Pm2 Process Manager const pm2 = new Pm2Manager({ updateCacheInterval :number }) Pm2 Process Manager, to cache pm2 system data and much more
formatPM2Data Function - Utility formatPM2Data(Partial<pm2Api.ProcessDescription>) Format pm2Api.list() process-data
formatBytes Function - Utility formatBytes(bytes: number, decimals: number = ", noString: boolean = false) Format Bytes to KB, MB, GB (with or without string)
existFile Async Function - Utility await existFile(path: string) Check if a Path actually exists
  • Methods on the Pm2Manager Class:
const pm2 = new Pm2Manager({ updateCacheInterval: 5000 });
Name Type Usage Description
cache Property = Map<pm2Id, pm2Data>() pm2.cache.get(pm2Id) The Cached Pm2 Process Data
cachePm2Data Function pm2.cachePm2Data() Caches the Pm2 Data of the System into pm2.cache Note: If Pm2Manager#updateCacheInterval > 5000, it does this automatically every N milliseconds
findId Function pm2.findId(process: string | name) Return the Pm2 ID (from the cache), of a given Process-name / process-Id
restart Async Function await pm2.restart(process: string | name) Restart a Pm2 Process, by providing a Process-Name / Process-ID
stop Async Function await pm2.stop(process: string | name) Stop a pm2 Process, by providing a Process-Name / Process-ID P

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