A small Node.js program to convert Postman collections to Markdown friendly syntax. PostMark takes a collection of API routes from Postman and converts it into Markdown friendly syntax ready to be added to a GitHub README.md file. For our first stage we are using GitHub Flavored Markdown, hopefully adding others if time permits.
Since documentation is incredibly important when hosting a project on GitHub we believe that this will help developers very easily show the routes used in their APIs. This should save the developer time, make using a project easier for users and improve readability of documentation.
Andre Olivier Martin - @Doktor-Doom
Jeremy Penning - @pixeljava
Sowmya Billakanti - @SowmyaBillakanti
Tahmina Ringer - @tahminaringer
The package do-postmark does not have any external dependencies
To install application:
npm install do-postmark
To run application:
npm do-postmark <path-to-postman_collection.json>