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PouchDB Security Helper

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A PouchDB plugin with helpers for handling the CouchDB _security document.


Install via NPM:

npm i pouchdb-security-helper -S

And use like any normal PouchDB plugin:

const securityPlugin = require("pouchdb-security-helper");


This plugin adds a single method to PouchDB instances: .security(). This will return a Security instance which has several helper methods for dealing with the _security document. The typical flow is to fetch the existing security document, make some changes, and then save it back to the database.

const security = db.security();
security.fetch().then(() => {
  // add superadmin as role to members and admins
  return security.save();
}).catch(e => {

There are also methods for determining if a user or role is in the security document.

const security = db.security();
const user = { name: "bobby", roles: [ "superadmin" ] };
security.fetch().then(() => {
  if (!security.userHasAccess(user)) {
    throw new Error("User does not have access.");
}).catch(e => {



db.security() → Security

This method is attached to the PouchDB instance by this plugin. This will return a new instance of the Security class that is attached to the database.

The PouchDB instance you call this on should be using the http adapter and be connected to a CouchDB instance. Otherwise, you will need to use the pouchdb-security plugin to add security features. This will allow the Security document to be fetched and saved.

const security = db.security();


The Security class is the main class that represents the entire _security document.

security.admins and security.members

security.admins → SecurityLevel
security.members → SecurityLevel

These are the objects representing the admins and members levels in the security document.


security.fetch() → Promise<void>

This will retrieve the latest _security document and store it within the Security instance. After this completes it is safe to use the helpers on the Security document.


security.save() → Promise<void>

This will save any changes to the internal Security document back to CouchDB. This will write exactly what is held internally, which means you must call .fetch() before calling save. Otherwise the security document will be overwritten with a blank object.


security.hasMembers() → Boolean

Returns a boolean for whether or not the security document has any names or roles in the members object.


security.hasAdmins() → Boolean

Returns a boolean for whether or not the security document has any names or roles in the admins object.


security.userHasAccess( userCtx ) → Boolean

Determines if a user, as defined by the userCtx, has a name or role in the security document. The userCtx should be an object with name and roles fields, usually what _session would return. This works similarly to CouchDB sessions and if the security has no members, this will always return true.

userCtx can also be string, in which case it is interpretted as the name and used with .nameHasAccess().


security.nameHasAccess( name ) → Boolean

Determines if a name has access to the database, by checking it against the admins and members names array.


security.roleHasAccess( role ) → Boolean

Determines if a role has access to the database, by checking it against the admins and members roles array.


security.toJSON() → Object

Returns the object of JSON that could be saved to the _security document in CouchDB.


security.reset() → this

Removes everything inside the security document, all names and roles, admins and members.


security.clone() → Security

Returns a new Security instance that is an exact duplicate of this instance.

Admins and Members

The SecurityLevel class represents the object with names and roles arrays. In the security document, these are the admins and members objects.

level.names and level.roles

level.names → SecurityType
level.roles → SecurityType

These are the objects representing the names and roles in a security level.


level.removeAll() → this

Removes all names and roles from this level.


level.isEmpty() → Boolean

Returns true when this level does not have any names or roles.


level.add( data [, opts ] ) → this

Adds names and roles into the level, merging with existing names and roles. data should be an object with names and roles arrays. opts matches the .set() options, with add defaulting to true.


level.remove( data [, opts ] ) → this

Removes names and roles from the level. data should be an object with names and roles arrays. opts matches the .set() options, with remove defaulting to true.


level.set( data [, opts ] ) → this

Sets names and roles on the level, using a data object. This is very dynamic and depending on how you use opts this will do different things.

  • Set { add: true } for opts to merge the data in with the level.
  • Set { remove: true } for opts to remove the data from the level.
  • Don't pass opts to overwrite the existing level completely.


level.toJSON() → Object

Returns a simple JSON object representing the level. This can be saved back to CouchDB.


level.clone() → SecurityLevel

Returns an exact duplicate of this SecurityLevel instance.

Names and Roles

A SecurityType is the lowest level class in a security document and represents an list of strings, typically for names or roles.


type.size → Number

Returns the length of the underlying array.


type.add( items ) → this

Add a name or role to the list. This can be a string or an array of strings. This will only add names and roles which are not already in the list, ensuring that there are no duplicates.


type.remove( items ) → this

Remove a name or role from the list. This can be a string or an array of strings.


type.removeAll() → this

Removes all items from the list.


type.has( item ) → Boolean

Returns true if item can be found in the list.


type.toJSON() → Array

Returns the list as an array of strings.


type.forEach( fn [, ctx ] ) → this

Run a function fn over every item in the list. This will call fn with the syntax fn.call(ctx, item, index, list).


type.map( fn [, ctx ] ) → Array

Similar to .forEach(), but returns an array of items that was returned from fn.


type.clone() → SecurityType

Returns an exact copy of the SecurityType.

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