
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Project Name: pp


This project is a basic setup using Vite for development and build processes, along with TypeScript for type checking and Biome for linting and formatting.


  • dev: Starts the development server using Vite.
  • build: Compiles TypeScript and builds the project using Vite.
  • preview: Previews the built project using Vite.
  • lint: Lints the project using Biome.
  • lint:md: Lints and fixes markdown files using markdownlint.
  • format: Formats the code using Biome.
  • release:local: Updates version and publishes changes locally using Changesets.
  • prepublishOnly: Runs the CI script before publishing.
  • test: Runs tests using Vitest.
  • ci: Runs linting, markdown linting, export linting, builds the project, and runs tests.

Development Dependencies

  • @biomejs/biome: A tool for linting and formatting.
  • typescript: A language for application-scale JavaScript.
  • vite: A build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.
  • lefthook: A tool for managing Git hooks.
  • @commitlint/cli: A tool for linting commit messages.
  • @commitlint/config-conventional: A shareable commitlint configuration for conventional commits.
  • cspell: A spell checker for code.
  • markdownlint-cli: A command-line interface for linting markdown files.
  • @changesets/cli: A tool for managing versioning and publishing.
  • vitest: A test runner for Vite projects.

Getting Started

  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Install Lefthook:

    npx lefthook install
  3. Start the development server:

    npm run dev
  4. Build the project:

    npm run build
  5. Preview the built project:

    npm run preview
  6. Lint the project:

    npm run lint
  7. Lint and fix markdown files:

    npm run lint:md
  8. Format the code:

    npm run format
  9. Check spelling:

    npm run cspell
  10. Release locally:

    npm run release:local
  11. Run tests:

    npm run test
  12. Run CI script:

    npm run ci

Git Hooks

This project uses Lefthook to manage Git hooks.

Pre-commit Hook

Runs Biome to check and fix issues in staged files before committing.

Commit Message Hook

Uses Commitlint to ensure commit messages follow the conventional commit format.

Pre-push Hook

Runs CSpell to check for spelling errors in the code before pushing.

Runs markdownlint to check and fix issues in markdown files before pushing.

Continuous Integration

This project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration. The CI workflow is defined in .github/workflows/ci.yml.

CI Workflow

The CI workflow runs on every push to the main branch and on pull requests. It performs the following steps:

  1. Checkout code: Uses actions/checkout@v4 to checkout the repository.
  2. Setup Node.js: Uses actions/setup-node@v4 to set up Node.js version 20.
  3. Install dependencies: Runs npm install to install project dependencies.
  4. Run CI script: Runs npm run ci to lint, build, and test the project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



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  • letanure