
0.2.7 • Public • Published


Preferred is a JavaScript library for working with preferred numbers.

Preferred numbers are sequences of numbers like the 1-2-5 series, which is a sequence of numbers repeating in multiples of 10, so it would look like 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 ... etc.

This library offers functionality for defining such a sequence and then efficiently finding the closest number to a given query value.


Node JS

$ npm install preferred
const preferred = require('preferred');

const seq = preferred.oneTwoFive();


Download the browser version

<script src="preferred.bundle.js"></script>

    const seq = Preferred.oneTwoFive();


Create a sequence

There are a few predefined common sequences

// ... 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 ...
const seq = preferred.oneTwoFive();

// ... 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 ...
const seq = preferred.powerOfTen();

// ... 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8 ...
const seq = preferred.powerOfTwo();

But you can create your own sequences as you like

// ... 0.1 0.25, 0.6 1 2.5 6 10 25 60 ...
const seq = preferred.sequence([1, 2.5, 6]);

// Fancy octal sequence
// ... 1 5 8 40 64 320  ...
// Or in octal: ... 01 05 010 050 0100 0500  ...
const seq = preferred.sequence([1, 5], 8); // Base 8

// Or hexadecimal sequence
// ... 1 3 11 16 48 176  ...
// Or in hex: ... 0x1 0x3 0xB 0x10 0x30 0xB0  ...
const seq = preferred.sequence([0x1, 0x3, 0xB], 0x10); // Base 16

Use a created sequence

Round a value to the nearest number

const seq = preferred.oneTwoFive();
console.log(seq.round(74)); // 50
console.log(seq.round(76)); // 100

Round a value to the nearest number in log space

// Base 100 makes this easy to test
const seq = preferred.sequence([1], 100);
console.log(seq.round(9.99)); // 1
console.log(seq.round(10.01)); // 100

Round a value down or up to the nearest number

const seq = preferred.oneTwoFive();
console.log(seq.floor(9.99)); // 5
console.log(seq.ceil(10.01)); // 20

A slightly more efficient way to call both floor and ceil on the same number

const seq = preferred.oneTwoFive();
console.log(seq.bounds(7)); // { floor: 5, ceil: 10 }


MIT - See LICENSE file



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  • edemeijer