TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.5 • Public • Published

Pretty Box

NPM Version NPM License

A simple tool, which prints a sweet boxes with text to your console


Using NPM

npm install pretty-box

Or using Yarn

yarn add pretty-box


In the examples below, the print method will output the configured box in the console

If you're using a ES5 (CommonJS) syntax, you can use this tool, by adding a .default to the require('pretty-box')


Otherwise, if you're familiar with ES6 Import syntax (which is highly recommended nowadays), feel free to use it like so

carbon (1)

Configure Output

You can simply configure the default look of a printed box by calling the following methods:

  • setVerticalPadding(value: number): void

    By calling the following method of a PrettyBox instance, you can set the amount of empty lines, which will be printed before the first line of text and after the last line of text (default is 1).

  • setHorizontalPadding(value: number): void

    By calling the following method of a PrettyBox instance, you can set the amount of empty spaces, which will be printed BEFORE and AFTER every line of a text (default is 4).

  • print(): void

    Output configured box to the console.

Usage with TypeScript

This library initially was written with TypeScript, so it comes with the built-in typings. Feel free to use this library with that beautiful language. 😁

Colored output

Pretty Box does not have any built-in methods for setting up color and/or styles of a text, but you can use a chalk library to add color and styles to the text of a printed box.

You can use any printable characters (like an Emoji) too. The string length would be calculated correctly.

carbon (2)


The font used in this example is "Fira Code Retina".


Note about emojis

Please, note that printed emojis can sometimes breaks a spacing after the Emoji symbol. It's highly recommended using a two spaces after an emoji symbol rather than one.

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npm i pretty-box

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  • antonperk