Profound.js greatly simplifies the development of full-stack database-driven applications. It helps in both creating new applications and modernizing legacy code.
The quickest way to explore Profound.js is to visit, our online IDE and runtime environment.
To install Profound.js, create a new directory and issue the command "npm install profoundjs" as follows:
mkdir profoundjs
cd profoundjs
npm install profoundjs
Follow the npm install prompts to complete the installation.
When installing Profound.js on IBM i, you will also be prompted to install Profound.js Connector for IBM i ILE components. These components are required for many of the features provided by Profound.js for IBM i.
The Profound.js installation process will create a start.js file in your directory. It will look something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Load Profound.js
const profoundjs = require("profoundjs");
// Apply configuration
await profoundjs.applyConfig();
// Start Profound.js server
await profoundjs.server.listen();
// This is the top-level Express Application.
// Custom Express coding can be added here.
var express =;
var app =;
app.use(express.json()); // default to use JSON-encoded post data
Using Node, the server can be started as follows:
node start.js
Or, it can be started using the STRTCPSVR command on IBM i.
For more detailed information on how to install and use Profound.js, visit the Profound.js Documentation site.