
1.1.0 • Public • Published


A web component for displaying the steps of a process and letting users move between them

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Getting Started


Use the built files from npm from

<!-- For example, use a CDN and replace 'latest' with your intended version -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src=""></script>


To build yourself, clone the repo, and run

npm i
npm run build

And use the dist/progress-steps.min.js and dist/progress-steps.min.css files


View the example above for a complete working example. Add the component anywhere in your html:

<progress-steps id="my-steps"></progress-steps>

Then initialize the control

// Find the control
let myStepper = document.querySelector('#my-steps');

// And initialize it
	steps: [{ name: 'Step 1' }, { name: 'Step 2' }, { name: 'Step 3' }],

Step configuration

You can disable steps by setting disabled to true. You can attach any custom property to a step that you wish. When programmatically fetching the step later, those values can be retrieved and used. For example, you might attach custom IDs/GUIDs to them, so that when a step is changed, you can act upon the ID of that step:

	steps: [
		{ name: 'Step 1', myCustomId: 1 },
		{ name: 'Step 2', myCustomId: 2 },
		{ name: 'Step 3', myCustomId: 3 },
		{ name: 'Step 4', myCustomId: 4 },
		{ name: 'Step 5', myCustomId: 5, disabled: true },
		{ name: 'Step 6', myCustomId: 6, disabled: true },
	events: {
		onStepChanged: function (stepNumber, stepObj) {
			console.log(`Step changed to ${stepNumber}!`);
			let newId = stepObj.myCustomId;
			// [Act upon newId here]


Event Name Parameters Description
onStepChanged (stepNumber, stepObj) Fired when the step is changed


Method Name Parameters Description
init (options) Initializes the control. See above examples for options usage
getStep Returns the step object of the current active step
setStep (step) Takes in the step number of the step to change to
stepUp Increments the current active step
stepDown Decrements the current active step
disableStep (step) Takes in the step number of a step and disables it from use
enableStep (step) Takes in the step number of a step and enables it for use


Styling defaults can be overridden by overriding CSS variables on your component instance:

/* Ugly but complete style override demonstrating all the style components */
	/* The color to fill up, left-to-right, as steps are set to active */
	--progress-fill-color: #cf78d9;
	/* The default color of the unfilled section of line and steps after the active step */
	--progress-unfilled-color: purple;

	/* The width of each step icon */
	--step-width: 20px;
	/* The font size of the step number and label */
	--font-size: 12px;
	/* The border radius of the step icon */
	--step-border-radius: 25%;
	/* The thickness of the line/progress bar/borders */
	--line-thickness: 3px;

	/* The animation speed of the progress bar filling up */
	--animation-speed: 500ms;
	/* Display attribute of the step labels. Show: 'inline-block', hide: 'none' */
	--step-label-display: 'inline-block';
	/* The vertical margin of the labels, if shown */
	--step-label-spacing: 5px;
	/* The font weight to use on step labels */
	--step-label-font-weight: normal;

	/* The font color of the step icon that is currently active */
	--current-step-font-color: red;
	/* The font color of the current step label */
	--current-label-font-color: blue;
	/* The font weight of the current step label */
	--current-label-font-weight: bold;

	/* The font color of step labels that are before the current step */
	--previous-label-font-color: red;
	/* The font color of the step icons that are before the current step */
	--previous-step-font-color: pink;

	/* The fill-color for step icons that are after the current active step */
	--future-step-fill-color: orange;
	/* The font color of step labels that are after the current step */
	--future-label-font-color: green;

	/* The font color of step labels that are disabled */
	--disabled-label-font-color: maroon;
	/* The font color of the disabled steps */
	--disabled-step-font-color: red;
	/* The fill-color for disabled step icons */
	--disabled-step-fill-color: blue;

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npm i progress-steps-webcomponent

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  • parx