Projectwatch is a tool for automating various tasks in software projects. Such as running tests, preprocessing CSS/JS or running code quality checks (eg. jslint) etc. Tasks are run when a change is detected in the files belonging to the task.
A task is defined in projectwatch.cfg file that you put somewhere in your project folder tree structure. You can put several tasks in a one file and you can have several projectwatch.cfg files in your project. Projectwatch will search all the projectwatch.cfg files and starts corresponding monitors.
Here's an example file
[My project Coffees]
watchdir = ./src
glob = *.coffee
cmd = coffee --output js/ src/*
and now command
projectwatch path/to/my/project
will find it and starts the monitor defined in it.
Web app
Because shells are intended for a one output only, it gets very messy if you have several running applications on one shell. That's why Projectwatch comes with embedded webserver which provides a web app for viewing task statuses. The app view is updated instantly as your tasks are being run. It works currently best in Chrome since it has the best support for WebSockets.
Take a look at a screenshot here.
Error reporting
Commands that exits with non zero exitstatus are considered failing.
Some times tool creator has not thought through scripting use cases and we cannot detect whether the command succeeded. You can provide your custom error checker regexp in projectwatch.cfg
error.stdout = error [0-9]+
Would match for "error 4" in the stdout of your command. You can similar define checker for stderr.
projectwatch [dir1[,dir2[,...]]]
-p, --port [NUMBER] Listen on this port (Default is 1234)
-l, --host [STRING] Listen to a host (Default is
-v, --version Show version
-h, --help Display help and usage details
Without parameters projectwatch will start searching from current working directory.
projectwatch.cfg is an ini-style configuration file.
[<monitor name>]
watchdir = <directory to be monitored>
glob = <glob matcher for files to be monitored>
cmd = <command to be executed on changes>
; Optional settings
error.stdout = <regexp>
error.stderr = <regexp>
projectwatch.cfg files can have several monitors defined in them. The cmd will have the directory of projectwatch.cfg as it's current working directory.
Install Node.js and NPM and run
npm install -g projectwatch
Remove previous installation
npm uninstall -g projectwatch
Get the code
git clone
Link install it
cd Projectwatch
npm link
Now projectwatch -command should use your code in the Projectwatch -directory. Now hack and send some cool pull requests via Github :)
Todos before 1.0.0
- Notify about errors using HTML5 desktop notifications