Node.js prometheus meta (all-in-one) plugin that provides API for working with all plugins at once.
npm i -S prometheus-plugin-meta
npm module (installed as peer dependency). If your project depends on previous version of client this plugin might not work.>=node-4.0.0
because this module uses ES6 syntax- Valid
file in$PWD
Plugin list
- prometheus-plugin-app-info
- prometheus-plugin-cpu-stats
- prometheus-plugin-eventloop-stats
- prometheus-plugin-heap-stats
- prometheus-plugin-memory-stats
- prometheus-plugin-gc-stats
- prometheus-plugin-tcp-stats
const client = ;const appInfoPlugin = ; // start metrics collectionappInfoPluginstart; // log metrics to consoleconsole; // stop metrics collectionappInfoPlugin; // stop and clear metrics registerappInfoPlugin;
Override metric defaults
const client = ;const appInfoPlugin = ;const override = 'prometheus-plugin-pluginname': 'metric_name': // provide default metric name to override it's params type: 'Counter' // could be changed, but it's not recommended name: 'my_metric_name' // name could be changed description: 'My custom description' // description could be changed labelValues: // additional labels customLabel: 'hello' // custom labels could be added { return } // if it's a function, it will be called to get label value in runtime ;// start metrics collectionappInfoPluginstart; // pass override object to init function // log metrics to consoleconsole; // stop metrics collectionappInfoPlugin; // stop and clear metrics registerappInfoPlugin;