A module help you make sync calling chain on Promise. Talk is cheap, show you the code.
This module only can run in Node 6.x because it use Proxy
Get and Apply
You can use it like:
var _ = ; a0 ;
If you want get the origin promise object just use a.__promise
if you want get the calling chain just use a.__chainPath
otherwise promixy object always return a Proxy
with Promise
so must attention if you want get the value of Promise
, you always must use .then
You can set property value to promixy like that:
var a = ;var b = ab;var x = abc; abc = 456; a;b;x; //{ b: { c: { as: 456 } } }//{ c: { as: 456 } }//123
You can set default value through require('promixy').setDefault
like that:
var _ = ;
If you use some module like bluebird
that provide many method to Promise, you can choose what method can use on promixy.
You can define what Promise Library that promixy use.