tsup is similar but focuses more on packet processing, powered by esbuild.
- A more casual package directory
- carry meta options
- carry assets options(.png, .html,...more)
- more universal
Install it locally in your project folder:
pnpm add ptsup --dev
# Or Yarn
yarn add ptsup --dev
You can also install it globally but it's not recommended.
ptsup [...file]
Files are written into ./dist
You can bundle multiple files in one go:
ptsup src/index.ts src/bin/bin.ts
This will output dist/index.cjs.js; dist/index.esm.js
and dist/bin.cjs.js; dist/bin.esm.js
Unlike tsup, ptsup is more suitable for a single independent entry file, ptsup does not preserve the directory structure
ptsup [...directory]
Files are written into ./dist
You can build dir in one go:
- bin
ptsup src
This will output:
- bin
You can build multiple directories at once, but it is recommended to use only one directory as filename duplicates will be overwritten
use command --meta
It works well on some monorepo (pnpm,yarn,npm) applications
- carry package info (
) - handle
and carry package.json - create
lnk file to output(defaultdist
Like tsup, you can use the config file to configure
Supported file formats
import { defineConfig } from 'ptsup'
export default defineConfig({
entry: ['src/index.ts'],
splitting: false,
sourcemap: true,
clean: true,
You can carry static resources that your project depends on
use command --assets aaa.png,xxx.vue,assetsDir
defines it like this in defineConfig
import { defineConfig } from 'ptsup'
export default defineConfig({
assets: [
$ ptsup [...files/directorys]
[...files/directorys] Bundle files
For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag:
$ ptsup --help
--entry <directory|file> Use a key-value pair as entry directory|files (default: ./)
-r, --root <dir> Root directory (default: .)
-o, --outdir <outdir> Output directory (default: dist)
-f, --format <format> Bundle format, "cjs", "iife", "esm" (default: cjs)
--sourcemap [inline] Generate external sourcemap, or inline source: --sourcemap inline
--minify Minify bundles only for iife
--target <target> Bundle target, "es20XX" or "esnext" (default: esnext)
--dts [entry] Generate declaration file
If entry is not passed in, it will be created based on the compiled file by default
--dts-only Emit declaration files only
--global-name <name> Global variable name for iife format (default: package.name in pascal-case)
--clean Clean output directory
--meta Helper and carry package.json/*.md
--meta-only Emit meta files only
--metafile Emit esbuild metafile to use with Bundle Size Analyzer (default: false)
--splitting Enables esbuild "code splitting", enable cast to esm module
--assets [files] Carry some static resources
--jsxFactory <jsxFactory> Name of JSX factory function (default: React.createElement)
--platform <node|browser> Platform determines the format of the output (default: node)
platform->node: cjs,esm
platform->browser: cjs,esm,iife
-h, --help Display this message