
1.2.0 • Public • Published


Commandline interface to use puer with FreeMarker templates.


Install it either as a global command line tool or as a local development dependency:

npm install -g puer-freemarker
npm install --save-dev puer-freemarker

Move into your working directory and run it:

cd your/working/directory

puerF requires that you have Java installed as it is needed to render FreeMarker templates.

Command reference

Usage: puerf [cmd] [options]


    init [options]   Set up basic folders and files to work with puerf
    convert          Convert FreeMarker templates into static HTML using mock data.

  Start a puer Server, easily mock routes and render FreeMarker templates


    -h, --help               output usage information
    -V, --version            output the version number
    -r, --routes <file>      Configuration file for mocked routes (multiple possible)
    -c, --config             If a config file should be used
    -t, --templates <path>   Path to folder in which Freemarker templates are stored
    -s, --static-dir <path>  Path to serve static assets from
    -o, --root <folder>      The root folder that files should be served from
    -p, --port <number>      Specific port to use
    -w, --watch <files>      Filetypes to watch, defaults to js|css|html|xhtml|ftl
    -x, --exclude <files>    Exclude files from being watched for updates
    -l, --localhost          Use "localhost" instead of ""
    --no-browser             Do not autimatically open a brwoser
    --debug                  Display debug messages

Mocking requests

This is what puerF is really all about. Making it as easy as possible for you to "fake" a backend. To achieve this puerF builds upon puers mocking of request. And simplifies the use of FreeMarker templates for those requests.

To mock requests create modules that export a single object following the syntax outlined below. You may split your routes over as many files as and modules as you which, puerF will combine them for you. demos contains a sample file.

By default puerF will assume that you spread your routes over two files mock/routes.js and mock/ftlRoutes.js.Should you wish to use files from a different location you can do so using the -r option.

Syntax for routes

All routes should be described as a String identifying the route and a routeObject containing information about how to mock that route. The routeObject may have any of the following properties:

Property Description
handler A function that handles this route
template A FreeMarker template to be rendered for this route
data An object to be returned at this route or used for the template
jsonFile The path to a file containing the data for this route

When a route is called puerF resolves the routeObject as such:

  • If a handler is present, it is executed
  • Else if a template is specified it is parsed
  • If none of the above are true the data is returned

Working with query parameters

Real world applications might use query parameters to get specific results from a URL. You can easily mock those requests as well. To mock a route like /example/some?user=name, inside your regular routes file, you can simply access req.query.user to get the users name.

"GET /example/some": {
    handler: function(req, res, next) {
        var name = req.query.user;
        //Do something with the name, like sending it back.

FreeMarker templates

By default puerF will look for FreeMarker templates in ./templates. To specify another folder you can use -t. Read the guid to author FreeMarker templates.

FreeMarker to static HTML

puerF can also convert FreeMarker templates into static HTML using mock data provided in a routes file. This needs the routesFile from which to take the templates to make static. templateRoot the root folder in which FreeMarker templates are and targetFolder in which to export the static HTML files.

Usage: puerf convert <routesFile> <templateRoot> <targetFolder>

Use as a dependency

Instead of using puer-freemarker as a commandline tool, you might also use it as a dependency in your development pipeline. For instance in your gulpfile.

To do so simply var puerf = require('puer-freemarker'). The full docs may be found here. Below is the public API of puerF.


puerF, a simple tool to run a live reloading server with mocked routes and FreeMarker templates.

puer-freemarker.init(options, callback)

Runs the initializer. Will output basic files to the current working directory.

Kind: static method of puer-freemarker
See: initializer

Param Type Default Description
options object Options for the initializer.
[options.onlyConfig] boolean false Only create the config file.
callback function Function to call once done.

puer-freemarker.start(options, callback)

Starts the core application.

Kind: static method of puer-freemarker

Param Type Default Description
options object An object containing options.
[options.routes] array ['mock/ftlRoutes.js', 'mock/routes.js'] An array of paths to all files containing mocked routes.
[options.config] boolean false Use config file.
[options.templates] string "'templates'" Root folder for FTL template files.
[options.root] string "'./'" Root folder for static files to serve.
[options.port] number 8080 The port to use for the server.
[options.watch] string "'js css html xhtml ftl'" Filetypes (seperate them by pipes) to watch for changes.
[options.exclude] regEx /node_modules/ Files to exclude from watching.
[options.localhost] boolean false Use localhost instead of
[options.browser] boolean true Automatically open a browser for the user.
[options.debug] boolean false Enable debugging output and log file.
callback function Function to call once started.


Programatically closes puerF.

Kind: static method of puer-freemarker

Param Type Description
callback function Function to call once done.


puerF utilizes tape for testing. Install development dependencies and run npm test to run the tests.




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