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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Anti-Captcha provider for puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha!

This is a plugin for puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha that implements Anti-Captcha provider to the solver.

You can still use the 2CAPTCHA provider


  • Thanks to berstend for the original plugin


npm install puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha-anti-captcha

If this is your first puppeteer-extra plugin here's everything you need:

npm install puppeteer puppeteer-extra puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha-anti-captcha


The plugin essentially provides a mighty page.solveRecaptchas() method that does everything needed automagically.

// puppeteer-extra is a drop-in replacement for puppeteer,
// it augments the installed puppeteer with plugin functionality
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-extra')

// add recaptcha plugin and provide it your anti-captcha token (= their apiKey)
// anti-captcha is the builtin solution provider but others would work as well.
// Please note: You need to add funds to your anti-captcha account for this to work
const RecaptchaPlugin = require('puppeteer-extra-plugin-recaptcha-anti-captcha')
    provider: {
      id: 'antigate',   // or '2captcha'
    visualFeedback: true // colorize reCAPTCHAs (violet = detected, green = solved)

// puppeteer usage as normal
puppeteer.launch({ headless: true }).then(async browser => {
  const page = await browser.newPage()
  await page.goto('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo')

  // That's it, a single line of code to solve reCAPTCHAs 🎉
  await page.solveRecaptchas()

  await Promise.all([
  await page.screenshot({ path: 'response.png', fullPage: true })
  await browser.close()


interface PluginOptions {
  /** Visualize reCAPTCHAs based on their state */
  visualFeedback: boolean // default: true
  /** Throw on errors instead of returning them in the error property */
  throwOnError: boolean // default: false
  /** Only solve captchas and challenges visible in the browser viewport */
  solveInViewportOnly: boolean // default: false
  /** Solve scored based captchas with no challenge (e.g. reCAPTCHA v3) */
  solveScoreBased: boolean // default: false
  /** Solve invisible captchas that have no active challenge */
  solveInactiveChallenges: boolean // default: false

What about invisible reCAPTCHAs?

  • Invisible reCAPTCHAs are supported. They're basically used to compute a score of how likely the user is a bot. Based on that score the site owner can block access to resources or (most often) present the user with a reCAPTCHA challenge (which this plugin can solve). The stealth plugin might be of interest here, as it masks the usage of puppeteer.
  • Technically speaking the plugin supports: reCAPTCHA v2, reCAPTCHA v3, invisible reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, invisible hCaptcha. All of those (multiple as well) are solved when page.solveRecaptchas() is called.

When should I call page.solveRecaptchas()?

  • reCAPTCHAs will be solved automatically whenever they are visible (aka their "I'm not a robot" iframe in the DOM). It's your responsibility to do any required actions to trigger the captcha being shown, if needed.
    • Note about "invisible" versions of reCAPTCHA/hCaptchas: They don't feature a visible checkbox iframe, the plugin will then solve any open challenge popups instead. :-)
  • If you summon the plugin immediately after navigating to a page it's got your back and will wait automatically until the reCAPTCHA script (if any) has been loaded and initialized.
  • If you call page.solveRecaptchas() on a page that has no reCAPTCHAs nothing bad will happen (😄) but the promise will resolve and the rest of your code executes as normal.
  • After solving the reCAPTCHAs the plugin will automatically detect and trigger their optional callback. This might result in forms being submitted and page navigations to occur, depending on how the site owner implemented the reCAPTCHA.


By default the plugin will never throw, but return any errors silently in the { error } property of the result object. You can change that behaviour by passing throwOnError: true to the initializier and use try/catch blocks to catch errors.

For convenience and because it looks cool the plugin will "colorize" reCAPTCHAs depending on their state (violet = detected and being solved, green = solved). You can turn that feature off by passing visualFeedback: false to the plugin initializer.


Solving captchas in iframes

By default the plugin will only solve reCAPTCHAs showing up on the immediate page. In case you encounter captchas in frames the plugin extends the Puppeteer.Frame object with custom methods as well:

// Loop over all potential frames on that page
for (const frame of page.mainFrame().childFrames()) {
  // Attempt to solve any potential captchas in those frames
  await frame.solveRecaptchas()

In addition you might want to disable site isolation, so puppeteer is able to access cross-origin iframes:

  args: [
    '--flag-switches-begin --disable-site-isolation-trials --flag-switches-end'

Solving captchas in pre-existing browser pages

In case you're not using browser.newPage() but re-use the existing about:blank tab (which is not recommended for various reasons) you will experience a page.solveRecaptchas is not a function error, as the plugin hasn't hooked into this page yet. As a workaround you can manually add existing pages to the lifecycle methods of the plugin:

const recaptcha = RecaptchaPlugin()
const pages = await browser.pages()
for (const page in pages) {
  // Add plugin methods to existing pages
  await recaptcha.onPageCreated(page)


  • Make sure to use debug logging if something is not working right or when reporting issues.
  • Check for ignored captchas in the filtered array in case a captcha you intend to solve is being ignored, filtered captchas will state the reason why they have been ignored (or better: which plugin option is responsible)
  • Keep in mind that by default the plugin will only solve "active" captchas (the means a visible checkbox or an active challenge popup). In extreme cases (like a very weird or super slow loading site) you can help the plugin by making sure the captcha you intend to solve is there before calling page.solveRecaptchas:
await page.waitForSelector('iframe[src*="recaptcha/"]')
await page.solveRecaptchas()

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  • slevin-aka-scourge