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0.1.6 • Public • Published


Staircase framework for puppeteer

Example Use

  import Staircase from 'puppeteer-staircase';
  import { Browser } from "puppeteer";

  const step1 = new Staircase.Step('first-step', async (state: Staircase.State<{info?:string}, {res?:string}>, browser: Browser) => {

    const page = (await browser.pages())[0]; // example DOM interaction
    await page?.goto('https://github.com');

    console.log(state.data, state.result); // prints {info: 'foo'} and {res: null} as in the module initialState

    state.data = {...state.data, info: 'bar'} // state data change

    return state; // always return state for persistence

  const step2 = new Staircase.Step('second-step', async (state: Staircase.State<{info?:string}, {res?:string}>, browser: Browser) => {

    console.log(state.data, state.result); // prints {info: 'bar'} and {res: null}

    state.result = {...state.result, res: 'some return'} // state result change

    return state; // return state for persistence

  const module = new Staircase.Module<{info?:string}, {res:null}>('module-name', [step1, step2], undefined, {result:{res: null}})

  const data = module.start({info:'foo'}) //start state input
    .then(res => { console.log(result) }) // prints {res: 'some return'}


Object: State <T, K>

The data collection that is persistent through steps.


Type Description
T Input data that is needed for execution, can be changed during runtime.
K Output data that is returned at the end of a module, should be changed during runtime.

Object: Logger

Object that contains a pair of functions as properties. Must be filled to enable built-in behaviour logging.


Type Signature
info (message:string) => void
error (message:string) => void

Object: ModuleConfig<T, K>

Object that contains the options and methods of a module's setup.


Type Signature Description
preSetupFn (state:State<T, K>) => Promise\<{ state:State\<T, K\>, launchOptions?:Partial\<PuppeteerLaunchOptions\> }\> Pre browser launch setup function, state and lanchOptions returned are persisted
PostSetupFn (browser: Browser, state:State<T, K>) => Promise\<State\<T, K\>\> Post browser launch setup function, state returned is persisted and has access to browser instance.
onError (error:any, state:State<T, K>) => Promise<void> Method called on module's execution fail.
onSccess (state:State<T, K>) => Promise<void> Method called on module's execution succeed.
launchOptions PuppeteerLaunchOptions LaunchOptions for puppeteer

Class: Step <T, K>

The cornerstone class of this framework, the base of the DOM interaction via the implementation parameter.


Type Description
T Input data that is needed for execution, can be changed during runtime.
K Output data that is returned at the end of a module, should be changed during runtime.


Name Type Description
id string Unique name of a step
implementation StepFn<T, K> A Function with acces to browser and state, the most basic step type and the one where should happen DOM interaction
logger? Logger Optional two log functions that enable loggin of internal behaviour ( recommended )
proxy? "on" | "off" Turns on or off the use of the proxy set in the PROXY_URL env variable

Class: Action <T, K>

A group of steps that should be executed.


Type Description
T Input data that is needed for execution, can be changed during runtime.
K Output data that is returned at the end of a module, should be changed during runtime.


Name Type Description
id string Unique name of a step
steps IStep\<T, K\>[] Array of Steps to be executed
logger? Logger Optional two log functions that enable loggin of internal behaviour ( recommended )

Class: Repeat <T, K>

A group of steps that will execute again in case of error, up to a limit of attempts.


Type Description
T Input data that is needed for execution, can be changed during runtime.
K Output data that is returned at the end of a module, should be changed during runtime.


Name Type Description
id string Unique name of a step
steps IStep\<T, K\>[] Array of Steps to be executed
logger? Logger Optional two log functions that enable loggin of internal behaviour ( recommended )
limit? number Ammount of attempts allowed throwing the error. defaults to 3.

Class: Decision <T, K>

A step that may execute differents steps depending on a evaluation function decisionFn.


Type Description
T Input data that is needed for execution, can be changed during runtime.
K Output data that is returned at the end of a module, should be changed during runtime.


Name Type Description
id string Unique name of a step
decisionFn (state?:State<T, K>, browser?: Browser) => Promise<string> A function with access to browser and state that returns a string representing an avaliable key in the 'actionMap'
actionMap Record<string, IStep<T, K>[]> A Dictionary-like structure to map a key to an array of steps
logger? Logger Optional two log functions that enable loggin of internal behaviour ( recommended )

Class: Module <T, K>

The core class that starts the state object, setup of the browser and execution of the collection of steps.


Type Description
T Input data that is needed for execution, can be changed during runtime.
K Output data that is returned at the end of a module, should be changed during runtime.


Name Type Description
mId string Unique name of a module
steps IStep\<T, K\>[] Array of Steps to be executed
logger? Logger Optional two log functions that enable loggin of internal behaviour ( recommended )
initialState? Omit\<State\<T, K\>, onExec|success|startTime\> The state before the execution starts.
config? ModuleConfig\<T, K\> The state before the execution starts.

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  • matheuszfig