
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Store is a permissions level server-side data store with a RESTful API.


  • Install and start mongoDB (More info)

  • Install purse.js

    npm install pursejs

  • Create a main.js file. This is the file you will use to configure purse.js

        var purse = require("pursejs");
        var store = Purse.createStore("window",8080,"");
  • run node main.js

  • Create an admin account by sending a POST request to with data {"username":"[username]","password":"[password]"}

Your store is now ready to configure/run. To view/edit the data go to



Boolean. Default true. If true, will send an email to recipient upon user creation.


Flag indicating whether to allow for email and/or username as a value for the user login.




store.setMongoDB(host, port)

By default, the mongoDB host and port are set based on the local system environment variable. Otherwise use this method to set a custom host and port.

store.configureSMTP(email, password)

email Email address

password base-64 encoded password

store.setTemplateForgotPassword(from, subject, htmlBody, textBody)

from Email address sender. Default null

subject Message subject

htmlBody Rich-text message body

textBody Plain-text message body

store.setTemplateActivate(from, subject, htmlBody, textBody, complete)

from Email address sender. Default null

subject Message subject

htmlBody Rich-text message body

textBody Plain-text message body

complete URL forward upon activation


Allows you to create custom rest calls. See Custom routes for more info


REST Reference


Create new store

Admin only

URL /store/

Method POST

Success status 201

Post Data
 {"name":"[store name]", "schema":{"[column name]":"[type]"}, "roles":{"get":{"user":[user objectIds], "group":[group objectIds]}}}

name The store name

schema An object containing column name keys and type values used for validation when entering store data. Valid types are string number boolean array and object.

Example {"column1":"string","column2":"boolean","column3":"array"}

roles An object containing method keys (get,post,put,delete,query) and object values. Those objects can contain user or group keys, and array values containing objectIds and allow strings "*" for any/all access to the method, and "." for any logged in user to access the method.

Example {"get":{"user":[1,3,28],"group":[4,5]}, "put":{"user":["."]}} Meaning users 1,3,28 and any members of groups 4 and 5 can call the get method for this store, and any logged in user can call the put method for this store.

Update existing store

Admin only

URL /store/[store name]/

Method PUT

Success status 200

Post Data
 {"schema":{"[column name]":"[type]"}, "roles":{"get":{"user":[user objectIds], "group":[group objectIds]}}}

schema (Optional) Modify or add column names and types to the store. See Create new store

roles (Optional) An object containing method keys (get,post,put,delete,query) and object values. Those objects can contain user or group keys, and array values containing objectIds and allow strings "*" for any/all access to the method, and "." for any logged in user to access the method.

Example {"get":{"user":[-1,-3,29],"group":[-4,-5]}, "put":{"user":["-."]}} Meaning users 1,3 and any members of groups 4 and 5 can no longer call the get method and user 29 can call the get method for this store, and any logged in user can no longer call the put method for this store.

Get store names

Admin only

URL /store/

Method GET

Success status 200

Returns an array of store names.

Add object to store

URL /store/[store name]/

Method POST

Success status 201

Post Data

An object represented by the schema values set when a store is created.

{"[column name]":[value], "[another column name]":[value]}

If value doesn't match schema type, status will return a 400 bad request.

Get object from store

URL /store/[store name]/[object id]/

Method GET

Success status 200

Returns the requested object

Update object in store

URL /store/[store name]/[object id]/

Method PUT

Success status 200

Post Data

An object represented by the schema values set when a store is created.

{"[column name]":[new value]}

If value doesn't match schema type, status will return a 400 bad request.

Query objects from store

URL /store/[store name]/

Method GET

Success status 200

Returns an array of objects based on the query qualifications

Query string
?{"where":{"$ne":null}, "limit":1, "skip":3, "sort":{"[column name]":1},"count":false,"select":{"[column name]":1}}

where (Optional) A query object. See Query operators for more info

limit (Optional) Limits the amount of objects to this number

skip (Optional) A number for how many objects to skip over

count (Optional) A boolean. If true, return object count instead

select (Optional) Only return objects with specfic column names denoted in this object

Delete object from store

URL /store/[store name]/[object id]/


Success status 200

Returns a HTTP status of 404 Not Found if object doesn't exist

Get info for store

Admin only

URL /store/[store name]/info/

Method GET

Success status 200

Returns the roles and schema objects



URL /user/login/

Method POST

Success status 200

Returns an object containing the user object id and a session key, and sends a session cookie.

Logging in can be accomplished in one of two ways:

Post Data
{"user":"[user or email]", "password":"[user password]"}


Authorization Header
Authorization: Basic [base64 of user name and password]

Log out

URL /user/logout/

Method GET

Success status 200

Sends an expired null session cookie.

Create new user

URL /user/

Method POST

Success status 201

Post Data
{"username":"[user name]", "password":"[user password]", "email":"[email address]", "admin":false}

username Sets the user name

password Sets the password

email Sets the email

Admin (Optional) Must be an admin to set this value. Makes user an admin.

Update user

URL /user/[user id]/

Method PUT

Success status 200

Updates user object values. Must be logged in as the requesting user, or an admin.

See Update object in store for more info

Get user

URL /user/[user id]/

Method GET

Success status 200

Returns a store object representing user information. Must be logged in as the requesting user, or an admin.

Query users

Admin only

URL /user/

Method GET

Success status 200

Returns an array of user objects based on the query filter. See Query objects from store for more info

Delete user

URL /user/[user id]/


Success status 200

Deletes the user. Must be logged in as the requesting user, or an admin.

Activate user

URL /user/activate

Method GET

Success status 200

Activates a user associated with a certain activation code

Query string
?[activation code]

Forgot password

URL /user/forgotpassword/

Method GET

Success status 200

Sends a temporary one-time-use password to requested email address

Query string
?{"email":"[user email]"}


Groups are collections of users for the purpose of allowing its members to access permission-level based api calls.

Create new group

Admin only

URL /group/

Method POST

Success status 201

Post Data
{"users":[0,1,2], "name":"[group name]"}

users An array of users representing the group

name (Optional) The name of the group

Update group

Admin only

URL /group/[group id]/

Method PUT

Success status 200

Updates group object values. See Update object in store for more info

Query groups

Admin only

URL /group/

Method GET

Success status 200

Returns an array of group objects based on the query filter. See Query objects from store for more info

Delete a group

Admin only

URL /group/[group id]/


Success status 200

Custom routes

The previous set of methods listed above are the building blocks for building customized RESTful APIs. Custom routes can build on top of these building blocks.

To add a custom route, you'll use the following method in your main.js file.


routeObject requires the following values to be set:

method The http method needed to call this route

path The http path to be called. See dREST's route path conditions for more info

status The default return http status code

roles Object containing the users and/or groups that can call this route


The following example uses the url path to limit how many results are returned. The returning objects are from a store called "abc", and each object only contains the "createdOn" value:

    var customRoute = store.addRoute({
        roles:{user:["*"], group:[1]},
        action:function(handler) {
            var howMany = parseInt(handler.path[2]);
            handler.save();  //saves the handler state
            handler.path = ["store","abc"];
            handler.queryString = JSON.stringify( {limit:howMany, select:{createdOn:1}} );
            handler.store.query(handler,function(handler, r) {
                handler.restore(); //restores the handler state to the previous save

This example can be run by sending a GET request to http://[server]/run/abcCreatedOn/[max number of results]/

Query operators



Matches arrays that contain all elements specified in the query.

The following example selects any object from the "abc" store where the "zyx" column array contains the elements "a", "b", and "d":



Matches values that are greater than the value specified in the query.

The following example selects any object from the "abc" store where the "d" column contains a number greater than 7:



Matches values that are less than the value specified in the query.

The following example selects any object from the "abc" store where the "e" column contains a number less than 100:



Matches values that are less than or equal to the value specified in the query.

The following example selects any object from the "abc" store where the "f" column contains a number less than or equal to 50:



Matches all values that are not equal to the value specified in the query.

The following example selects any object from the "abc" store where the "g" column contains a value that is not null:



Matches values that do not exist in an array specified to the query.

The following example selects any object from the "abc" store where the "zyx" column array does not contain the elements "a", "b", and "d":




Joins query clauses with a logical AND, returns all objects that match the conditions of both clauses.

The following example selects any object from the "abc" store where the "d" column contains a number greater than 2 and less than 99:



Joins query clauses with a logical NOR, returns all objects that fail to match both clauses




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  • jjbateman