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Playwright Test Generator

The Playwright Test Generator is a tool designed to streamline the process of generating Playwright test scripts for automated web testing. This tool reads a configuration file, generates test scripts based on the URLs specified, and sets up a default Playwright configuration for testing across multiple browsers and devices.

Table of Contents


  • Automated Test Script Generation: Automatically generate Playwright test scripts for specified URLs.
  • Cross-Browser Testing: Out-of-the-box configuration for testing on Chromium, Firefox, WebKit, and branded browsers like Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
  • Mobile Testing: Includes configuration for testing on mobile devices such as Pixel 5 and iPhone 12.
  • Customizable Output: Easily specify the output file for generated tests through a configuration file.
  • First-time Setup: Automatically generates a default Playwright configuration file (playwright.config.ts) if one doesn't exist.


Before using this tool, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (version 18 or higher)
  • npm (version 6 or higher)


You can run the Playwright Test Generator using npx, which requires no additional installation steps:

npx pw-test-gen


Running the Generator

To generate test scripts, use the following command:

npx pw-test-gen -c <path-to-config>
  • -c <path-to-config>: Specify the path to your configuration file. If not provided, the default path ./screenshotTestConfig.json will be used.


npx pw-test-gen -c myConfig.json


Create a JSON configuration file to specify the URLs you want to test and the output path for the generated test file. Below is an example configuration file named screenshotTestConfig.json:

  "urls": [
  "outputFile": "tests/multiDeviceScreenshotTests.spec.ts"
  • urls: An array of URLs you wish to test. The script will generate a separate test for each URL.
  • outputFile: The path where the generated test file will be saved. You can specify a custom directory and filename.

Running the Tests

Once the tests are generated, you can run them using the Playwright Test Runner. First, ensure that Playwright is installed:

npx playwright install

Then, execute the tests:

npx playwright test
  • The tests will be executed as specified in the playwright.config.ts file.
  • Test results and reports will be generated as per the configuration settings.

Example Workflow

  1. Generate Tests:

    Run the following command to generate Playwright test scripts:

    npx pw-test-gen -c screenshotTestConfig.json

    This command will read from screenshotTestConfig.json and generate the test file specified in the configuration.

  2. Install Playwright:

    If you haven't already, install Playwright to ensure all required browsers and dependencies are available:

    npx playwright install
  3. Execute Tests:

    Run the generated tests with:

    npx playwright test

    The test runner will execute the tests across the specified browsers and devices, providing a comprehensive test suite.

Playwright Configuration

The first time you run the script, it will automatically create a default playwright.config.ts file in the current directory. This configuration file includes settings for parallel execution, retry policies, and device/browser configurations.

import { defineConfig, devices } from "@playwright/test";

export default defineConfig({
  testDir: "./tests",
  fullyParallel: true,
  forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
  retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
  workers: process.env.CI ? 1 : undefined,
  reporter: "html",
  use: {
    trace: "on-first-retry",
  projects: [
      name: "chromium",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Chrome"] },
      name: "firefox",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Firefox"] },
      name: "webkit",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Safari"] },
      name: "Mobile Chrome",
      use: { ...devices["Pixel 5"] },
      name: "Mobile Safari",
      use: { ...devices["iPhone 12"] },
      name: "Microsoft Edge",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Edge"], channel: "msedge" },
      name: "Google Chrome",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Chrome"], channel: "chrome" },

Feel free to modify this file to suit your specific testing needs, such as changing the test directory or altering the devices and browsers used for testing.


  • Common Errors: If you encounter any issues related to Playwright or npm, ensure your Node.js and npm versions meet the prerequisites.
  • Config File Not Found: Double-check the path to your configuration file if you encounter errors during test generation.




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  • samisampo