zero configuration code and module linting
installation & usage
$ npm install -save-dev quality
add to your package.json:
Add to your readme so people can see your commitment to quality at a glance
standalone cli
$ quality
will run all quality checks for the module in the current directory.
quality --verbose
will tell you more about what's going on as it's running:
$ quality --verbose
Checking dependencies
Checking for unused or missing dependencies in package.json...
Validating duplicate packages...
Validating all require statements...
Checking style
exists with a 1
error code if problems are found and a 0
if everything is ok, so you
can easily combine it with other tools in shell scripts.
is the easiest way to add best-of linting and quality checking to your package
to make your (development) life easier. it is built on the following tools:
- standard - checks for javascript code style, syntax errors, variable scope errors
- sanitycheck - checks for missing & unused module dependencies in your code & package.json
but I want to configure all of the things
Feel free to fork this and configure it to your heart's content to find defaults that
work for you and your team. When you do this, I recommend publishing it as an npm scoped
package, eg @yourname/quality
so you can still benefit from ease of setup and consistency
across packages
there is an aspect of quality that is currently completely missing from this module
feel free to open an issue! I'm interested in adding sensible defaults to reduce the
amount of things you have to think about when developing a new module while maintaining a
high level of overall quality. For example, there is an effort to develop
standard-readme, which I'm interested in incorporating
in quality
once it has been published and is somewhat stable.
running the tests
From package root:
$ npm install
$ npm test
- jden jason@denizac.org
ISC. (c) MMXV jden jason@denizac.org. See LICENSE.md