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2.5.31 • Public • Published


Quest Global Automation Framework method library


  • Abstraction layer for a protractor/selenium UI automation framework
  • User-friendly interface to interact with webElements
  • Send and retrieve from an ahem email server
  • log method with timestamp


$ npm install quest-global


import * as globalMethods from 'quest-global';

globalMethods.log("Welcome to the quest-global README");


clearText(element: ElementFinder, elementName: string, timeout: number): Promise

@param element — element to clear text from @param logString — element name to log to console @param timeout — max amount of time to wait for element to appear on page

Clears text from a textfield

click(element: ElementFinder, elementName: String, timeout: number): Promise

@param element — element to click @param elementName — element name for logger statement @param timeout — max amount of time to wait before clicking element

Clicks an element

closeTab(): Promise

Closes current tab

enterAndSelectFromAutoSuggest(ele: ElementFinder, item: string, timeout: number): Promise

@param element — element select value from @param item — value to select @param timeout — maximum amount of time to wait before selecting value

Selects option from dropdown

executeScriptClick(element: ElementFinder, elementName: String, timeout: number): Promise

@param element @param elementName @param timeout

Clicks element via JavaScript

executeScriptScrollIntoView(element: ElementFinder): Promise

@param element @param elementName @param timeout

Brings element into view

getAttribute(attributeName: string, entityName: string, schema: string, dataSource: string): {

attributeName: string; entityName: string; schema: string; dataSource: string;

Builds attributes object for tdm tool

getConfigBrowserSize(): any

Gets the viewport size from the processed config file

getData(domain: string, path: string, parameter: string): string

@param domain — url domain @param path — path to append to domain @param parameter — parameter to append to path and domain

Performs a Rest GET and return response text object at index 0. Used to connect to internal datamanagement endpoint

getDate(numDaysOffset: number, dateFormat: String): string

@param numDaysOffset — positive number will return # days in future, negative number will return # days in past @param dateFormat

getElementByAttribute(tagName: String, attributeName: String, attributeValue: String): ElementFinder

@param tagName — HTML Object tag (i.e. button, input, a, div, etc) @param attributeName — Custom attribute name (i.e. data-ta) @param attributeValue — Custom attribute value

function getElementByButtonText(buttonText: string): ElementFinder

Search the DOM for the text

getElementByClassName(className: string): ElementFinder

getElementByCss(css: string): ElementFinder

getElementByCssContainingText(css: string, text: string): ElementFinder

getElementById(id: string): ElementFinder

getElementById(id: string): ElementFinder

getElementById(id: string): ElementFinder

getElementByName(name: string): ElementFinder

getElementByXpath(Xpath: string): ElementFinder

procGetEmailData(url: string, mailboxName: string, jsonKey: string): Promise

@param url @param mailboxName @param jsonKey

Gets the json value for the inputted key, for the given mailbox (Ahem Email Server)

procGetSubjectline(url: string, mailboxName: string): Promise

Gets the subject line from an email on the Ahem email server

function procGetVerificationCode(url: string, mailboxName: string): Promise

@param mailboxName

Authenticates, and gets email and corresponding verification code

selectFromDropDown(ele: ElementFinder, item: string, timeout: number): Promise

@param element — element select value from @param item — value to select @param timeout — maximum amount of time to wait before selecting value

Selects option from dropdown

sendKeys(element: ElementFinder, text: string, timeout: number, clearPreviousText: boolean): Promise

@param element @param elementName @param timeout

Sends keys to an element, without first clearing text

switchTabs(tabIndex: number): Promise

@param tabIndex — index of tab to switch to

Switches to tab with inputted index

switchToFrame(xpath: string): Promise

@param xpath

Switches focus to frame, based on xpath input

textContains(text1: string, text2: string): Promise

@param text1 — first piece of text to compare @param text2 — second piece of text to compare @param presence — determines whether verification is of text equal/not equal

Returns boolean value of whether text equal/not equal to comparison text

verifyElement(element: ElementFinder, timeout: number, presence: boolean): Promise

verifyFailOnError(actual: any, expected: any, failStr: string, match: boolean): Promise

@param actual @param expected @param failStr

verifyText(text1: string, text2: string, presence: boolean): Promise

@param text1 — first piece of text to compare @param text2 — second piece of text to compare @param presence — determines whether verification is of text equal/not equal

Verifies text equal/not equal to comparison text

verifyTextContains(text1: string, text2: string, presence: boolean): Promise

@param text1 — first piece of text to compare @param text2 — second piece of text to compare @param presence — determines whether verification is of text equal/not equal

Verifies text equal/not equal to comparison text

waitForClickable(ele: ElementFinder, timeout: number): Promise

@param ele @param timeout

Waits for element to be clickable, up to specified number of seconds

function waitForElement(element: ElementFinder, presence: boolean, timeout: number): Promise

@param element @param presence @param timeout — Return Value: true/false

Waits for element presence/absence for up to timeout (parameter) Sample syntax var retVal = await waitForElement (element, presence, timeout_In_Milliseconds);

waitForElementScrollIntoView(element: ElementFinder, presence: boolean, timeout: number): Promise

waitForVisible(ele: ElementFinder, timeout: number): Promise

@param ele @param timeout

Waits for element to be visible, up to specified number of seconds

waitForVisible(ele: ElementFinder, timeout: number): Promise

Waits for element to be visible, up to specified number of seconds

@param ele @param timeout





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  • afodale
  • charlesfehl