This package provides a Data Provider and an Auth Provider to integrate Strapi with react-admin.
This package supports:
- CRUD on Documents
- Authentication with email and password
yarn add ra-strapi
# or
npm install ra-strapi
Create a new dataprovider giving the baseURL of your Strapi instance, pass the dataprovider to the Admin
import { strapiDataProvider } from "ra-strapi";
import { Admin, ListGuesser, Resource } from "react-admin";
import { Layout } from "./Layout";
const dataProvider = strapiDataProvider({ baseURL: "http://localhost:1337" });
export const App = () => (
<Admin layout={Layout} dataProvider={dataProvider}>
<Resource name="articles" list={ListGuesser} />
note: you may need to tune the permissions of the public role ( see Strapi doc ).
Create an authProvider giving the baseURL of your Strapi instance, it will handle for you the jwt token.
Create an httpClient with strapiHttpClient
, it will handle the authorization headers for you.
Create a dataProvider giving the baseURL of your Stapi instance, and the httpClient you created.
Pass those dataProvider and authProvider to you Admin
As you will need to authenticate with email/password, pass the react-admin LoginWithEmail
to the loginPage
prop, or a custom login page.
import {
} from "ra-strapi";
import { Admin, ListGuesser, LoginWithEmail, Resource } from "react-admin";
import { Layout } from "./Layout";
const STRAPI_URL = import.meta.env.VITE_STRAPI_URL;
const authProvider = strapiAuthProvider({ baseURL: STRAPI_URL });
const httpClient = strapiHttpClient();
const dataProvider = strapiDataProvider({ baseURL: STRAPI_URL, httpClient });
export const App = () => (
<Resource name="articles" list={ListGuesser} />
Create an httpClient with strapiHttpClient
, specifying the authType to apiKey
and the key.
Create a dataProvider giving the baseURL of your Stapi instance, and the httpClient you created.
import { strapiDataProvider, strapiHttpClient } from "ra-strapi";
import { Admin, ListGuesser, LoginWithEmail, Resource } from "react-admin";
import { Layout } from "./Layout";
const STRAPI_URL = import.meta.env.VITE_STRAPI_URL;
const STRAPI_API_KEY = import.meta.env.VITE_STRAPI_API_KEY;
const httpClient = strapiHttpClient({ authType: "apiKey", apiKey: STRAPI_API_KEY});
const dataProvider = strapiDataProvider({ baseURL: STRAPI_URL, httpClient });
export const App = () => (
<Admin layout={Layout} dataProvider={dataProvider} loginPage={LoginWithEmail}>
<Resource name="articles" list={ListGuesser} />
note: you may need to create an api key in the Strapi admin panel ( see Strapi doc ).
To learn how filter works with react-admin refer to the documentation here. The availables filters operators are :
Operator | Description |
eq | equal |
eqi | equal (case insensitive) |
ne | not equal |
nei | not equal (case insensitive) |
gt | greater than |
gte | greater than or equal |
lt | less than |
lte | less than or equal |
contains | contains |
ncontains | not contains |
containsi | contains (case insensitive) |
ncontainsi | not contains (case insensitive) |
between | between two values |
in | in an array |
nin | not in an array |
isnull | is null |
isnotnull | is not null |
startswith | starts with |
startswithi | starts with (case insensitive) |
endswith | ends with |
endswithi | ends with (case insensitive) |
import {
} from "react-admin";
const articleFilters = [
<TextInput source="title_contains" label="Title"/> // will filter articles with title containing the value
export const ArticleList = () => (
<List filters={articleFilters}>
<ImageField source="cover.formats.thumbnail.url" label="Cover" />
<TextField source="title" />
<TextField source="description" />
<ReferenceField reference="authors" source="author" link="show" />
<ReferenceField reference="categories" source="category" link="show" />