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1.0.2 • Public • Published


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Raddish-DB is the database layer of raddish, also to be used standalone in other projects.
Feel free to fork and submit a pull request when deemed necessary.

This module is a evolution of the universal-query module, this module will completely replace that module.


Raddish-DB continues on the mindset of Raddish, give a generic API no matter wich database you use.
For the currently supported databases you will get one single API without any differences.

Currently supprted are:

  • Mysql
  • MongoDB
  • SQLite
  • More to be announced.

Generic API

There is one single API that is used to get database instances and set the config.
This API is described below (examples below):

This sets the config of the database layer.

This will return an instance.

getQuery(): Return the query builder.

addCustomAdapter(type, adapter): Add a type to the adapter library. This can be any kind of adapter as long as it extends from the AbstractAdapter.

AbstractAdapter: A class to extend from for creation of a custom adapter.

AbstractBuilder: An adapter needs a query builder to convert a query object to a query which is suitable for your database. You can extend your builder from this class.

Database Layer API

The database layer also has a few methods.

This makes the actual connection and return it.
Whenever there is already a connection made this will be returned.

This method will execute a query.
This can accept a string or an object from the query builder.
When an object is passed it will try run the toQuery method on it.

releaseConnection(connection): This method will release the connection back to the pool. This method is usually used internally, however you can use it in your scripts.

getBuilder: This will return the builder object for your database, it will translate the query object to a query for your database.

Querybuilder API

The query builder has one and the same API no matter the layer you choose. Below the methods are descibed. A difference is made between the query methods (insert, update, select and delete).

Although a few method can be called directly on the builder object.

Below some examples Select query


Insert query:


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  • jasper199069