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Install node 10.16.0 or 12.11.1 from https://nodejs.org

Getting started with node.js rakudo.js

The easiest way is to install the rakudo package from npm

mkdir tutorial-project # Create a fresh project directory 
cd tutorial-project
npm init
npm install --save rakudo
./node_modules/.bin/perl6-js -e 'say "Hello World"'

Using a node.js module

cd tutorial-project
npm install --save chalk

To use node.js modules you need to specify where they should be looked for. use lib 'nodejs#/your/path/to/node/modules' is a good way to do that

use lib 'nodejs#' ~ $*PROGRAM.parent.add('node_modules').absolute;
use chalk:from<node.js>;
say("Hello {chalk.blue("Blue")} World");

Keep in mind that if you load a node.js module during precompilation it gets reloaded at runtime, so it's internal state gets lost.

Interoperability with JS

Passing :lang to eval will execute the passed code as JavaScript.

my $document = EVAL(:lang, 'return document')

You can access attributes of those objects using postcircumfix:<{ }> (you should often use the <> shorcut) You can call methods on the the objects using regular Perl 6 syntax.

$document<body>.appendChild($document.createTextNode('Hello World'));

Primitive JS data types are converted rather then wrapped

JavaScript Perl6
true True
false False
String Str
null Mu
undefined Mu
BigInt Int
Number Num

A Perl 6 Mu when passed to JS land ends up as null

To pass values to Perl 6 land the executed code needs a return.

EVAL(:lang<JavaScript>, '123') # This returns Mu
EVAL(:lang<JavaScript>, 'return 123') # This returns 123

Extra methods on wrapped JS objects

In order to enable using wrapped objects in Perl 6 land wrapped objects offer some methods that Perl 6 expects.

  • sink

    Does nothing.

  • defined

    Always returns True

  • Bool

    Always returns True

  • item

    Returns the object it is called on

  • new

    Uses the JavaScript new operator to create an new instance

    my $Date = EVAL(:lang<JavaScript>, 'return Date');
    my $instance = $Date.new('December 17, 1995 03:24:00');
    say($instance.getFullYear()); # 1995

If the wrapped object has method of that same name you can use an :INTERNAL modifier to access it.

$obj.new(:INTERNAL, 123) | -------------|-------|

This will call a js new method rather then doing ``new $obj(123)```




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  • pmurias