Ramda + Snabbdom = Fantastic
Point-free programming for frontend-applications. Based on Ramda and Snabbdom.
Inspired by Redux and functional React components, but with an edge towards lenses.
See Ramtasks,
the practical test project. Though the project is quite new, it got functional and usable really quick due to Snabbdom and Ramda.
There's no intention to become the next React. It's just that Ramda is worth learning. And how to learn better than writing your own frontend-framework 😉
I'm myself new to the "Zen of Ramda", so feel free to complain or suggest: Twitter handle: yaqmol
Key points:
- Components are pure functions that render VNodes
- Containers bind components to values of the state tree via paths
Single Immutable State Tree
- There is a central immutable state tree
- Actions express mutations on the state tree
- Reducers are replaced by a lens-like value set and get mechanism
State changes trigger rendering
- State-change-events on paths can be subscribed to
- Re-rendering is triggered automatically on state changes
Unordered ideas:
- CLI "ram", something in the line of react-scripts
- CLI options:
- add dependencies and scripts to existing project
- create components
- create containers (with selection from a list of existing components)
- create actions (ramtastic doesn't need reducers)
- translate HTML to snabbdom
- Usage documentation
A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.