Imagine you have a canvas, and want to draw wrapped text. You can use canvas.getContext('2d').measureText(line)
, continuously adding words to line
until you get to the desired length. But this solution is ~O(n^2)
to find each line. Instead, thanks to the help of the incredible opentype.js combined with some custom code, you can use rapidwrap
to wrap lines in linear time.
Using the rapidwrap command line tool (npm install -g rapidwrap
), preprocess your font file with:
rapidwrap /path/to/font/file.otf > output.js
Then, in your Javascript (using Webpack if in the browser):
const Font = require('rapidwrap')
const data = require('./output.js')
let myFont = new Font(data)
let fontSize = 16
myFont.measureText("text", fontSize)
// -> 27.8828125
let wrapWidth = 200
myFont.wrapText("blah blah very long string that will be wrapped here", fontSize, wrapWidth)
// -> ['blah blah very long string that ', 'will be wrapped here']
let x = 22
myFont.positionAt("some text here", fontSize, x)
// -> TODO cursor character index at click position x