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1.10.2 • Public • Published

Rc Simple Select

This is a customizable Select component for React applications. It provides a dropdown selection interface with support for single and multi-select options, search functionality, and custom styling.


  • Single and multi-select modes
  • Searchable options
  • Customizable styling
  • Keyboard navigation support
  • Custom rendering of selected values
  • Accessible
  • Individual option customization


yarn add rc-simple-select


npm install rc-simple-select


Here's a basic example of how to use the Select component with Options:

import React from 'react';
import { Select,Option } from 'rc-simple-select';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const handleSelect = (value) => {
    console.log('Selected value:', value);

  return (
    <Select onSelect={handleSelect}>
      <Option value="option1">Option 1</Option>
      <Option value="option2">Option 2</Option>
      <Option value="option3" disabled>Option 3</Option>
      <Option value="option4" hidden>Option 4</Option>

Select Component Props

The Select component accepts the following props:

  • isMulti: Boolean to enable multi-select mode
  • values: Selected value(s)
  • closeOnSelect: Boolean to close the dropdown on selection (default: true)
  • selectClassName: Custom class name for the select container
  • optionWrapperClassName: Custom class name for the options wrapper
  • optionShowerClassName: Custom class name for the selected option display
  • isSearchable: Boolean to enable search functionality
  • placeholder: Placeholder text when no option is selected
  • inputPlaceholder: Placeholder text for the search input
  • label: Label for the select component
  • selectRef: Ref object for the select container
  • IconComponent: Custom component for the dropdown icon
  • onSelect: Callback function called when an option is selected
  • renderValue: Custom render function for selected values
  • onMenuOpen: Callback function called when the dropdown opens
  • onMenuClose: Callback function called when the dropdown closes

Option Component Props

The Option component is used to define individual options within the Select component. It accepts the following props:

  • value: (Required) The value of the option
  • hidden: Boolean to hide the option
  • disabled: Boolean to disable the option
  • optionClassName: Custom class name for the option
  • optionSelectedClassName: Custom class name for the selected state of the option
  • optionRef: Ref object for the option element
  • onRender: Custom render function for the option


The component is built with accessibility in mind, using appropriate ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation support. The Option component uses the role="option" attribute and includes aria-disabled for disabled options.


You can customize the rendering of individual options by using the onRender prop of the Option component. This allows you to create complex option layouts or add additional functionality to each option.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.




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  • kuljit_singh