
1.0.0 • Public • Published


This package provides RDFJS DatasetCore compatible datasets to track changes and handle transactions.



ChangelogDataset tracks all changes in the changes property until flush is called. Add the following line to your code to import the package:

const ChangelogDataset = require('rdf-dataset-changelog/ChangelogDataset')

The dataset implements the DatasetCore interface and the following additional properties and methods:

  • changes: An object with an added and deleted property. Both properties are DatasetCore objects. added collects all quads added to the dataset. deleted collects all quads deleted from the dataset. Any conflicts of previously added/deleted quads in the same changeset are solved.
  • flush(): Assigns a new object to changes with empty datasets. Returns the last changes object.

TransactionalDataset(quads, { change, complete, request, Changelog })

TransactionalDataset handles changes in transactions. Add the following line to your code to import the package:

const TransactionalDataset = require('rdf-dataset-changelog/TransactionalDataset')

A transaction is started by calling the begin method. begin is an async method that returns a new ChangedlogDataset filled with all quads from the original dataset. All changes in the transaction must be done on the returned dataset. The optional request callback argument can be used to delay the start of a transaction. Delaying the start can be useful to control the number of parallel transactions. The returned dataset has an additional commit method which will apply all changes to the original dataset. All changes done in the transaction are forwarded as diff to the optional complete callback argument. The complete callback can be used to sync the changes to another TransactionalDataset. The diff is created by an instance of a Changelog class. By default, a JSON diff is used. An alternative class can be provided as a Changelog argument in the constructor.
The applyDiff method can be used to apply changes provides as diff. Any changes done by begin + commit or applyDiff will trigger a call of the optional change callback argument. It will be called with a Changelog object argument which contains all changes.

The dataset accepts the following options as the second argument of the constructor:

  • change: An optional callback function that will be called for all changes done by begin + commit or applyDiff. All changes are provided as a Changelog object argument.
  • complete: An optional callback function that will be called when a transaction is finished with commit. All changes are provided as the argument in a diff object. If the callback returns a promise, the commit method will wait for it to resolve.
  • request: An optional callback function that will be called each time a transaction is started with begin. If the callback returns a promise, the begin method will wait for it to resolve.
  • Changelog: The constructor of the changelog class which should be used. By default, the JsonChangelog class is used.

The dataset implements the DatasetCore interface and the following additional methods:

  • applyDiff(diff): Applies all change from the given diff to the dataset. The Changelog class provided to the constructor will be used to parse the diff.
  • async begin(): Starts a new transaction and returns the ChangelogDataset that tracks all changes. Calling commit on the returned dataset will apply all changes.


The following example creates a master and slave TransactionalDataset instance. A mutex is used to allow only one transaction at a time. The slave instanced get's synced in the complete callback via a diff. The examples folder contains this example with more logging for easier understanding.

const rdf = require('@rdfjs/data-model')
const namespace = require('@rdfjs/namespace')
const TransactionalDataset = require('rdf-dataset-changelog/TransactionalDataset')
const mutex = require('promise-the-world/mutex')
const ns = namespace('http://example.org/')
async function makeChanges ({ id, master }) {
  const change = await master.begin()
  change.add(rdf.quad(ns.subject, ns.predicate, rdf.literal(id)))
  await change.commit()
async function main () {
  const slave = new TransactionalDataset()
  const transaction = mutex()
  const master = new TransactionalDataset(null, {
    request: async () => {
      await transaction.lock()
    complete: diff => {
  await Promise.all([
    makeChanges({ id: '1', master, slave }),
    makeChanges({ id: '2', master, slave })




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