Bobcat 😺😼
Bobcat is a library for testing navigation flows in React. Its API is heavily inspired by classic testing frameworks like Mocha and Jest; it has a similar describe()
/ it()
type of syntax.
Here's a rough code snippet that demonstrates how Bobcat should be used:
import useState from 'react';import useDelayedEffect useBobcat from 'react-bobcat'; import MyButton from './components/MyButton';import useSignOut from './services/auth'; const scope flow trap pass assert = ; ; ;;
A more in-depth explanation and code snippets can be found on Medium.
The source is available via Github. Alternatively you can install Bobcat via NPM:
$ npm install react-bobcat
or Yarn:
$ yarn add react-bobcat
*Be sure to install React@16.8 or greater.