
1.0.1 • Public • Published

React NPM package boilerplate

Boilerplate for building a react component as NPM package.

⚡️ Build NPM modules for your ReactJS project incredibly fast.

✅ ES5, ES6 compatible

✅ ReactJS ^16.6.1

➡️ How to start?

  1. Clone project into your working directory using

ssh: git clone


https: git clone

  1. Switch to the react-npm-package-boilerplate directory

cd react-npm-package-boilerplate

  1. Run

npm install


yarn install

  1. Open react-npm-package-boilerplate /src/index.js in your favorite IDE and start work on your awesome NPM package

➡️ How to build component?

  1. Just run npm run build or yarn build. After that, you will see generated index.js file in your root folder (react-npm-package-boilerplate/)

➡️ How to test component locally?

  1. Get your NPM package (project) path. Run pwd in your terminal and copy path

  2. Create test project. Run:

npx create-react-app my-test-project

  1. Swith to the my-test-project directory:

cd my-test-project

  1. Run:

yarn add <paste copied path here>

  1. Import component

import Component from 'react-npm-package-boilerplate'

<Component />

  1. Success

➡️ How to add peerDependencies?

  1. Open package.json file, find "peerDependencies" section and add dependencies there

➡️ How to publish NPM package

Inside your root project in the terminal type

npm adduser

then npm will ask for your username, password, and email if you don’t have an account with npm go create one first.

After above command user npm login command so you will be logged in to npm

npm login

It will again ask for your account information provide it and after that, we are good to go.

To publish your npm module just type

npm publish

and you just published your first npm module

➡️ Troubleshooting

How to handle peer dependencies when developing modules

➡️ Contribution

If you're reading this, you're awesome! Thank you for helping us make this project great. Here are a few guidelines that will help you along the way.

Contributor covenant

How to contribute to an open-source project on Github

➡️ Inspired by

Manoj Singh Negi

➡️ License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

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  • alexpassss