Component for allowing only a certain type to be inputted into a textbox. Demo coming soon.
Supported right now:
- Integer only
- Float (Integer but a single decimal allowed)
- String (any)
Why? Out of need for having numeric-only inputs with support for IE9 which does not support input[type=number]
yarn add react-conform
or npm i --save react-conform
<Input />
Component { superprops; thisstate = value: '' ; this_onChange = this_onChange; } { // We get event as the second arg because of the prop 'sendEvent' console; this; } { return <form> <label htmlFor="age">How old are you?</label> <Input name="age" id="age" onChange=this_onChange value=thisstatevalue integer sendEvent /> </form> ); }}
integer: bool
If you want your input to only accept an integer value. No decimals/symbols/letters allowed. Negative values allowed by default.
float: bool
If you want your input to only accept a float value. Decimals allowed. No symbols/letters allowed. Negative values allowed by default.
positive: bool
Used in conjuction with integer
or float
. Does not allow the '-' sign to be entered.
allowEuler: bool
Used in conjuction with integer
or float
. Allows an e
to be entered in the input. E.g. 1e25
onChange: func
Called when the input is changed. Returns a string of the value being entered.
sendEvent: bool
When present, onChange
sends the javascript event
as the second argument.
value: string
The string value of what is in the input.