
1.0.19 • Public • Published


React 16.8+ CRUD using axios & React Query + State Mgmt

  • All you need is one line of code for each CRUD Operation and the package will use the magic provided by React Query to perform each HTTP operation using axios. React Query was created by Tanner Linsley. axios is heavily inspired by the $http service provided in Angular. Ultimately axios is an effort to provide a standalone $http-like service for use outside of Angular.*

  • The State Management component provides an store using a similar concept provided by Redux but using React v16.8 + Hooks.*

Getting Started

** Follow the create-react-app instructions to get started and then**

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app/
npm start

Install the react-crud-plus-state-management hooks

#### npm install react-crud-plus-state-management


Required Peer Dependencies

These libraries are not bundled with this package and required at runtime:


State Management



  • The State Management Hooks provide a Redux like Store using React Hooks available since v16.8. There are 2 versions available in this package: MakeStore and MakeStore2. both of them return an Store provider, an Store and a Dispatch function. The difference is that MakeStore2 returns a tuple [Store,Dispatch] to follow regular useReducer format and the MakeStore returns Store and Dispatch separate components to facilitate its usage in the useEffect dependency array and reduce the # of renderings.*



import {makeStore2} from "react-crud-plus-state-management"

Then define an initialState object and a reducer function
Finally create a new store with the name that you want
  • sample
const initialState = {
url: 'http://localhost:5000/People'
const peopleReducer = (state, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case actions.FIELDS: {
        return {
            [action.fieldName]: action.payload,
    return state;
    const [
    ] = makeStore2(peopleReducer, initialState)

    export { PeopleProvider, usePeopleState }

and Wrap the Components that need the store in the provider


        <App />

In the component that you want to use the Store, import the store from the location where you create it and use it as a hook

... import { usePeopleState} from './PeopleStore'; ...

const [{url},dispatch] = usePeopleState();

Now you can use the Const(s) and the dispatch function as expected



import {makeStore} from "react-crud-plus-state-management"

Then define an initialState object and a reducer function
Finally create a new store with the name that you want
  • sample

    const initialState = {
        url: 'http://localhost:5000/People'
    const peopleReducer = (state, action) => {
        switch (action.type) {
            case actions.FIELDS: {
            return {
                [action.fieldName]: action.payload,
            return state;

    const [
    ] = makeStore2(peopleReducer, initialState)

    export { PeopleProvider, usePeopleStore, usePeopleDispatch }

and Wrap the Components that need the store in the provider


        <App />

In the component that you want to use the Store, import the store and the dispatch from the locations where you create them and use it as a hook

... import { usePeopleStore, usePeopleDispatch} from './PeopleStore'; ...

const {url} = usePeopleStore();
const dispatch = usePeopleDispatch();

Now you can use the Const(s) and the dispatch function as expected

Using the CRUD

As indicated in react query documentation
  • In main app

import { QueryClientProvider, QueryClient } from "react-query";

then; Create new QueryClient
** const queryClient = new QueryClient(); **
then; Wrap elements that need the server state
* <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
  • sample
    const App=() => {
    return (
        <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
        <Navbar />
        ... other components as required


For retrieving data <<=>> axios.get


import {useRetrieve} from "react-crud-plus-state-management"

Then inside a React functional Component - since it's a hook, it must follow hook rules
Define the following destructure const to be used.

const {data, error, isLoading, isError} = useRetrieve("tag",url,onSuccess(optional))

destructure const
* data: is the information fetch from the server for the specified url.
* error: for receiving errors if those happen.
* isLoading: boolean flag indicting if true that data is been fetch from the server.
* isError: that is a boolean flag that if it's return as true an error occurred *
* "<tag>" unique tag that you want to use for the collection of a given data set. This is the react query Key.**
* url is the API end point.
* you can use the state management to hold this data *
* onSuccess is a function that you can pass as a parameter that will be executed if the fetch was successful, like loading a counter, or sending a message, etc.**
  • sample

    export default function ListTasks() {
    const {url} = useTaskStore();  // ...url: 'http://localhost:5000/tasks'
    const onSuccess=(data) =>{dispatch({type:actions.FIELDS, fieldName: 'taskCount', payload:data.length})}
    const {data:tasks, error, isLoading, isError} = useRetrieve("tasks",url, onSuccess);


For deleting data <<=>> axios.delete


import {useDelete} from "react-crud-plus-state-management"

Then inside a React functional Component - since it's a hook, it must follow hook rules.
Define the following destructure const to be used.

const {isLoading:loadingDel, remove, error:errorDel, isError:isErrorDel} = useDelete("tag",url,onSuccess(optional))

destructure const
* isLoading renamed as loadingDel in this case, since isLoading probably will be used with the {useRetrieve} in the same component, if not disregard.: boolean indicating if true that the http operation is happening on the server
* remove: the delete function that is inside the useDelete hook, it expects the id that most be passed for example in an Onclick event like-> onClick={()=>remove(<tagUsed>.id)}.
* error for receiving errors if those happen.
* isLoading boolean flag indicting if true that data is been fetch from the server.
* isError renamed as isErrorDel that is a boolean flag that if it's return as true an error occurred *
* "<tag>" the given tag use in the react query ...most match the one used in the useRetrieve.
* url is the API end point. * you can use the state management to hold this data. The function  will build the uri using the id that the function receives in the onClick event to trigger the deletion*
* onSuccess => Optional if we want to do any actions after the deletion. i.e nofify successful deletion
  • sample
    import {useDelete} from '../../customHooks/reactQuery/useDelete';
    import { useTaskStore} from '../../context/tasks/TaskStore';
    import { useGlobalDispatch} from '../../context/GlobalStore';

    export default function ListTasks() {
    const {url} = useTaskStore();
    const onSuccessDel = ()=>{
        globalDispatch({type:actions.FIELDS, fieldName: 'notify', payload: {message:'Deleted Successfully',isOpen:true, type:'error'}});
        dispatch({type:actions.SET_COUNT, payload:-1});
    const {isLoading:loading, remove} = useDelete("tasks",url,onSuccessDel)
    <button onClick={()=>remove(}>Delete</button>


For updating data <<=>> axios.put


import {useUpdate} from "react-crud-plus-state-management"

Then inside a React functional Component - since it's a hook, it must follow hook rules.
Define the following destructure const to be used.

const {isLoading:loadingUpd, update, error:errorUpd, isError:isErrorUpd} = useUpdate("tag",url, onSuccess(optional))

destructure const
* isLoading renamed as loadingUpd in this case,since isLoading probably will be used with the {useRetrieve} in the same component, if not disregard: boolean indicating if true that the http operation is happening on the server
* update: the update function that is inside the useUpdate hook, it expects expects the <data with id> that most be passed on the onFormSubmit event.
* error for receiving errors if those happen.
* isLoading boolean flag indicting if true that data is been fetch from the server.
* isError renamed as isErrorUpd that is a boolean flag that if it's return as true an error occurred *
* "<tag>" the given tag use in the react query ...most match the one used in the useRetrieve.
* url is the API end point. * you can use the state management to hold this data. The function  will build the uri using the id that the function receives from <data with id> in the onClick event to trigger the update*
* onSuccess => Optional if we want to do any actions after the updating  i.e nofify successful update
Then define a onFormSubmit function to handle the updated(data) coming from a Form. This could be a react-hook-form too.
    const OnFormSubmit = (data) => {
  • sample
    import {useUpdate} from '../../customHooks/reactQuery/useUpdate';
    import { useTaskStore} from '../../context/tasks/TaskStore';
    import { useGlobalDispatch} from '../../context/GlobalStore';

    export default function UpdateTask = () => {
    const {task,url} = useTaskStore();
    const globalDispatch=useGlobalDispatch();

    const onSuccessUpd = ()=>{
        globalDispatch({type:actions.FIELDS, fieldName: 'notify', payload:  {message:'Updated Successfully',isOpen:true, type:'success'}});
    const {isLoading:loadingUpd, update} = useUpdate("tasks",url,onSuccessUpd)

    const OnFormSubmit = (data) => {

    return (
        <TaskForm onFormSubmit={OnFormSubmit} defaultValues={task} isLoading={loadingUpd}/>
        // <TaskForm onFormSubmit={onFormSubmit}/>


For creating data <<=>>


import {useCreate} from "react-crud-plus-state-management"

Then inside a React functional Component - since it's a hook, it must follow hook rules.
Define the following destructure const to be used.
const {isLoading:loadingAdd, create, error, isError} = useCreate("tag",url,onSuccess(optional))
destructure const
* isLoading renamed as loadingAdd in this case,since isLoading probably will be used with the {useRetrieve} in the same component, if not disregard: boolean indicating if true that the http operation is happening on the server
* create: the create function that is inside the useCreate hook, it expects expects the <data> that most be passed on the onFormSubmit event.
* error for receiving errors if those happen.
* isLoading boolean flag indicting if true that data is been fetch from the server.
* isError renamed as isErrorAdd that is a boolean flag that if it's return as true an error occurred *
* "<tag>" the given tag use in the react query ...most match the one used in the useRetrieve.
* url is the API end point.  you can use the state management to hold this data.
* onSuccess => Optional if we want to do any actions after the updating  i.e nofify successful created
Then define a onFormSubmit function to handle the updated(data) coming from a Form. This could be a react-hook-form too.
const OnFormSubmit = (data) => {
  • sample:
    import {useCreate} from '../../customHooks/reactQuery/useCreate';
    import { useTaskStore} from '../../context/tasks/TaskStore';
    import { useGlobalDispatch} from '../../context/GlobalStore';

    export default function AddTask = () => {
    const {url} = useTaskStore();
    const globalDispatch=useGlobalDispatch();

    const onSuccessAdd = ()=>{
        globalDispatch({type:actions.FIELDS, fieldName: 'notify', payload:  {message:'Added Successfully',isOpen:true, type:'success'}});
        dispatch({type:actions.SET_COUNT, payload:1});
    const {isLoading:loadingAdd, create} = useCreate("tasks",url,onSuccessAdd)

    const OnFormSubmit = (data) => {

    return (
        <TaskForm onFormSubmit={OnFormSubmit} defaultValues={initialState.task} isLoading={loadingAdd}/>

Change Log

1.0.18 Added '/' at axios Url route in the update and delete functions to correct Python / Django error when using Rest_Framework routes.

*RuntimeError: You called this URL via PUT, but the URL doesn't end in a slash and you have APPEND_SLASH set. Django can't redirect to the slash URL while maintaining PUT data. Change your form to point to localhost:8000/api/blog/3/ (note the trailing slash), or set APPEND_SLASH=False in your Django settings.


If you get this error when doing npm start

Failed to compile

./node_modules/react-crud-plus-state-management/useStateValue.js SyntaxError: /home/msoto056/Dev/JavaScript/ReactJs/WebSites/blogapi/node_modules/react-crud-plus-state-management/useStateValue.js: Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled (8:3):

6 | 7 | const StateProvider = ({children}) => (

8 | <StateContext.Provider value={useReducer(reducer, initialState)}> | ^ 9 | {children} 10 | </StateContext.Provider> 11 | );

Add @babel/preset-react ( to the 'presets' section of your Babel config to enable transformation. If you want to leave it as-is, add @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx ( to the 'plugins' section to enable parsing.

do the following:

npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-react

create a .babelrc file in the project root with

{ "presets": [ "@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react" ] }

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npm i react-crud-plus-state-management

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  • msoto056