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react custom wizard

React easy wizard is multistep from throw a bunch of react components at it (data forms, text / html components etc) and it will take the user through those components in steps. Access provides several quick-create form tools on the Create tab, each of which lets you create a form with a single click. However, if you want to be more selective about what fields appear on the form, you can use the Form Wizard instead.

get started

  • run
npm install --save react-easy-wizard
  • Import package form react custom wizard
     import CustomWizard from 'react-custom-wizard'
  • define the list of all the components* you want to step through. The title indicates the title of the UI step and component. Heading is optional you can run it without heading also
 const steps = [
          {tag: 'Step 1', component:Step1, heading:"Step 1: Basic store info and platform"},
          {tag: 'Step 2', component:Step2, heading:"Step 2: Additional store info"},
          {tag: 'Step 3', component:Step3, heading:"Step 3: Setup the connection to your store"},
          {tag: 'Step 4', component:Step4, heading:"Step 4: Install the plugin we need to continue"},
          {tag: 'Step 5', component:Step5, heading:"Step 4: Install the plugin we need to continue"}
  • and now render it out somewhere in your app
    render() {
                <CustomWizard steps={steps}/>
  • defult properties -- if don't want to show header put false
    showHeading :true
  • for showing state name at top
    showNameState: true,
  • for start with anther state just change currentstep.
    currentStep: 1,
  • for changing hedaer style just change classname
    classOnHeading : "wizard-heading",

-for changing btn text on next and previous button

    textOnNextbtn: "Next",
    textOnPreviousbtn: "Previous",
  • for changing the class name in buttons
    classNext: "btnss next",

    classPrevious: "btnss previous",

require dependency for animation


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npm i react-custom-wizard

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  • rajesh_awesomejs