A customisable pagination component for ReactJS
npm install --save react-data-pagination
Basic Usage
import Data from 'react-data-pagination';
//this component renders the heading part of your data, your <thead></thead> in the case of a table
const DataContainer = () => {
//this component renders the list of data... the table body
//use something unique for your map keys.
const DataList = (props) => {
const dataset = props.dataset;
<tr key={}>
//the dataset
const dataset = [
{"name": "Curran Barrett", "address": "Ap #177-391 Velit. Ave"},
{"name": "Vernon Hardy", "address": "480-9044 Aliquam St."},
{"name": "Baxter Payne", "address": "P.O. Box 795, 139 Nec, Rd."},
{"name": "Jack Blankenship", "address": "451 Vivamus Av."},
{"name": "Jordan Christensen", "address": "507-7644 Gravida Rd."},
{"name": "Luke Kirkland", "address": "Ap #930-4518 Enim. Av."},
{"name": "Gray Phillips", "address": "5936 Nec, Road"},
{"name": "Nolan Kramer", "address": "P.O. Box 649, 9887 Donec Ave"},
{"name": "Marsden Mcmahon", "address": "P.O. Box 603, 8397 Et Av."},
{"name": "Hashim Riddle", "address": "P.O. Box 341, 1922 Interdum. St."},
{"name": "Reece Irwin", "address": "595-9942 Est, St."},
{"name": "Demetrius Sparks", "address": "899-6946 Sed, St."},
{"name": "Hilel Finch", "address": "1430 Eleifend Av."},
{"name": "Brenden Owens", "address": "Ap #298-9226 Augue Rd."},
{"name": "Alec Long", "address": "564-4129 Purus. Av."}
Props Explained
dataset: An array of objects that form your dataset.
offset: The position in the array you want the first page to start from. Usually left as 0 (zero)
rows: The number of rows per page
dataBody: User created component that will render table headings, if the dataset will be display in a table. This can be set to null if a table is not being used to display the data. Ensure you specify your own table headings. In the case of a table, this component will render your section. See the DataContainer component in the basic example above.
dataList: User created component that will render the data list per page. The dataset is passed as a prop to this component and can be accessed through props.dataset. You can then map() through the dataset to render them. In the case of a table this component will render your
section. See the DataList component in the basic example above.wrapper: The wrapping HTML tag for your data. In the case of a table, this is going to be "table"
wrapperCssClass: css class to assign to the wrapper, for styling.
buttonCssClass: css class to assign to the buttons that will hold the page numbers.