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React DataTable Responsive

typescript react

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It's a datatable component on React. It comes with features like filtering, search, view/hide columns, export to excel file, printing, sorting, selectable rows, pagination, and responsible for mobile/tablet device. On top of the ability to put component, textbox, checkbox, button, img, ... in cells.


  • filtering
  • search
  • view/hide columns
  • export to excel file
  • printing
  • sorting
  • selectable rows
  • pagination
  • responsible for mobile/tablet
  • resizable columns
  • component, textbox, checkbox, button, img, and ... in cells


Table of contents


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simple table

import ReactDataTable from 'react-datatable-responsive';
import { ColumnType } from 'react-datatable-responsive';

const columns: ColumnType[] = [
  { field: { title: 'title' }, label: 'Title' },
  { field: { title: 'price' }, label: 'Price' },
  { field: { title: 'category' }, label: 'Category' },

const data = [
  { title: "Fjallraven - Foldsack No. 1 Backpack, Fits 15 Laptops", price: 109.95, category: "men's clothing"},
  { title: "Mens Casual Premium Slim Fit T-Shirts ", price: 22.3, category: "men's clothing"},
  { title: "Mens Cotton Jacket", price: 55.99, category: "men's clothing"},

export default function Example() {
  return (
    <ReactDataTable rows={data} columns={columns} />

custemized columns

import ReactDataTable from 'react-datatable-responsive';
import { ColumnType } from 'react-datatable-responsive';

const columns: ColumnType[] = [
  { field: { title: 'id' }, label: 'ID', options: { display: false } },
  { field: { title: 'title' }, label: 'Title', options: { sort: true } },
  { field: { title: 'price' }, label: 'Price', options: { filter: false, sort: true } },
  { field: { title: 'category' }, label: 'Category', options: { search: false } },

const data = [
  { id:1, title: "Fjallraven - Foldsack No. 1 Backpack, Fits 15 Laptops", price: 109.95, category: "men's clothing"},
  { id:2, title: "Mens Casual Premium Slim Fit T-Shirts ", price: 22.3, category: "men's clothing"},
  { id:3, title: "Mens Cotton Jacket", price: 55.99, category: "men's clothing"},

export default function Example(): React.JSX.Element {
  return (
    <ReactDataTable rows={data} columns={columns} />

nested objects

import ReactDataTable from 'react-datatable-responsive';
import { ColumnType } from 'react-datatable-responsive';

const columns: ColumnType[] = [
  { field: { title: 'id' }, label: 'ID', options: { display: false } },
  { field: { title: 'firstName' }, label: 'First Name' },
  { field: { title: 'account.username' }, label: 'Username' },
  { field: { title: 'address.home.street' }, label: 'Home Street' },

const data = [
  { id:1, firstName:"Anna", account:{username:"annauser"}, address:{home:{street:"24"}}},
  { id:2, firstName:"Lena", account:{username:"lenauser"}, address:{home:{street:"24"}}},

export default function Example(): React.JSX.Element {
  return (
    <ReactDataTable rows={data} columns={columns} />



The component accepts the following props:

Name Type Description
direction lrt | rtl | inherit Direction used to describe direction of table.
columns array Columns used to describe table. Must be either an array of simple strings or objects describing a column. (This field is required)
rows array Rows used to describe table. Must be either an array containing objects of key/value pairs. (This field is required)
options object Options used to describe table.

Table Options

Name Type Default Description
cells object User provided items in cells. Example
color object User provided colors to customized table. Example
download boolean true Show/hide download icon from toolbar. Possible values:

  • true: Button is visible and clickable.
  • false: Button is not visible.
filter boolean true Show/hide filter icon from toolbar. Possible values:

  • true: Button is visiable and clickable.
  • false: Button is not visible.
onRowClick function Callback function that triggers when a row is clicked. function(rowData: any) => void
onRowsDelete function Callback function that triggers when row(s) are deleted. function(rowsDeleted: any[]) => void
pagination boolean true Show/hide pagination.
print boolean true Show/hide print icon from toolbar. Possible values:

  • true: Button is visiable and clickable.
  • false: Button is not visible.
resizableColumns boolean true Enable/disable resizable columns.
responsive boolean true Enable/disable responsive table.
rowsPerPage number 10 Number of rows allowed per page.
rowsPerPageOptions array [5,10,20,50,100] Options to provide in pagination for number of rows a user can select.
search boolean true Show/hide search icon from toolbar. Possible values:

  • true: Button is visiable and clickable.
  • false: Button is not visible.
searchPlaceholder string Search text placeholder.
selectableRowsHideCheckboxes boolean false Hides the checkboxes that appear when selectableRows is set to "multiple" or "single". Can provide a more custom UX, especially when paired with selectableRowsOnClick.
textLabels object User provided labels to localize text.
viewColumns boolean true Show/hide viewColumns icon from toolbar. Possible values:

  • true: Button is visiable and clickable.
  • false: Button is not visible.

CSS Classes

These class names are useful for styling with CSS. They are applied to the component.

Name Description
rdtdatatable Styles applied to the data table
rdtmenu-main Styles applied to the menu box
rdtmenu-select Styles applied to the select menu box
rdtmenu-title Styles applied to the caption table
rdtfilter Styles applied to the filter box
rdtfilter__title Styles applied to the title of the filter box
rdtfilter-item Styles applied to the filter items box
rdtfilter-column Styles applied to the columns select tag
rdtfilter-column__option Styles applied to options of the columns select tag
rdtfilter-condition Styles applied to the conditions select tag
rdtfilter-condition__option Styles applied to options of conditions select tag
rdtfilter-item__text Styles applied to the input on the filter box
rdtfilter__add Styles applied to the add button on the filter box
rdtfilter-list Styles applied to the filter list box
rdtfilter-list__li Styles applied to the filter list item
rdtfilter-list__remove Styles applied to the remove button on filter list item
rdtsearch Styles applied to the search box
rdtsearch__input Styles applied to the input on search box
rdtsearch__close Styles applied to the close button on search box
rdtshowcolumn Styles applied to the show column box
rdtshowcolumn__title Styles applied to the caption show column box
rdtshowcolumn__li Styles applied to the list columns on show column box
rdtshowcolumn__label Styles applied to the label list columns on show column box
rdttable Styles applied to the table
rdttable-nodata Styles applied to the no data alert
rdttable-header__label Styles applied to the header label
rdtcell-input Styles applied to the input in cells
rdtcell-textarea Styles applied to the textarea in cells
rdtcell-image Styles applied to the image in cells
rdtcell-checkbox Styles applied to the checkbox in cells
rdtcell-text Styles applied to the text in cells
rdtcell-progress Styles applied to the progress in cells
rdtcell-select Styles applied to the to select in cells
rdtcell-select__option Styles applied to options in select
rdtcell-button Styles applied to the button in cells
rdtpagination Styles applied to the pagination box
rdtpagination-pages Styles applied to the number pagination box
rdtpagination-pages__no Styles applied to the number pagination
rdtpagination-pages__no--select Styles applied to the current page no
rdtpagination-per-page Styles applied to the per page select

Customize Columns

On each column object, you have the ability to customize columns to your liking with the 'options' property. Example:

const columns = [
  name: "Name",
  options: {
   filter: true,
   sort: false,


Name Type Description
field object Title of column (This field is required) and function to handle cell event
label string Column Header Name (This field is required)
kind input/textbox | input/date | input/datetime-local | input/number | input/file | input/password | textarea | button | image | boolean | select | progress | component, kind of column
options object Options for customizing column
eventHandlerHeader function function to handle column event

Column Options:

Name Type Default Description
component function Function that returns a React component. Used to display data within all table cells of a given column. Example
display boolean true Display column in table. Possible values:

  • true: Column is visible and toggleable via the View Columns popover in the Toolbar.
  • false: Column is not visible but can be made visible via the View Columns popover in the Toolbar.
filter boolean true Display column in filter list.Example
search boolean true Exclude/include column from search results.Example
sort boolean false Enable/disable sorting on column.Example


Change default options

const defaultOptions {
  color: {
    color: '#000',
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    borderColor: '#ddd'
  download: true,
  filter: true,
  print: true,
  search: true,
  viewColumns: true,
  pagination: true,
  resizableColumns: true,
  responsive: true,
  rowsPerPage: 10,
  rowsPerPageOptions: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100],
  searchPlaceholder: '',
  selectableRowsHideCheckboxes: false,
  cells: {
    imageWidth: 60,
  textLabels: {
    body: {
      title: '',
      noMatch: "Sorry, no data found",
      toolTip: "Sort",


The files included in this repository are licensed under the MIT license.

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  • alireza.mirahmadi