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1.2.11 • Public • Published


react-defuse is designed for declarative state management in React applications. Drawing inspiration from X3D, this library introduces a unique blend of concepts with its withDefUse higher-order component (HOC) and a Route component. State management is inspired by libraries like recoil and is implemented with a sub-pub-pattern for efficient and precise update of components using the shared state without rerendering the complete component tree.


  • Inspired by X3D: Incorporating concepts from X3D to bring a familiar yet innovative approach to state management in React.
  • Declarative Approach: Simplify your state management with a more readable and declarative approach.
  • Higher-Order Component: Utilize withDefUse, withUniqueDef and withConsistentComponentType to enhance your components with advanced state management capabilities and runtime error checking.
  • Intuitive State Routing: Leverage the Route component to manage granular state setting and property mapping.
  • Reusable Components: Achieve higher reusability of your components, leading to cleaner code and a more maintainable codebase.


To integrate react-defuse into your project, run the following command:

npm install react-defuse

Usage Example with withDefUse

This example demonstrates how to use withDefUse for sharing state between components in a React application.


We have two component instances:

  • DEF: <ComponentWithDefUse DEF="sharedTopicID" {} /> Defines a shared state that inclused the properites defined by the interface of the component definition wrapped my the withDefUse hoc.
  • USE: Consumes the shared state. properties defined on the consuming component will be ignored
import React from 'react'
import { withDefUse } from 'react-defuse'

const ComponentWithDefUse = withDefUse(({ message }) => <div>Message: {message}</div>)

// DEFining the state
const messageText = "hello world!"
<ComponentWithDefUse DEF="sharedMessage" message={messageText} />

somewhere in the component tree

// USEing the state. The component will render <div>DEF Message: hello world!</div>
<ComponentWithDefUse USE="sharedMessage" />

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  • lordcraymen