Dragable and Resizable window build with React.js.
Try it out here:
The easiest way to use react-DnR is to install it from npm and include it in your React build process (using Webpack, Browserify, etc).
npm install --save react-DnR
/** @jsx React.DOM */import React from "react";import ReactDOM from "react-dom";import DnR from '../modules/DnR'; import OSXTheme WindowsTheme from '../modules/themes';const paneStyle = width: '80%' height: '50%' top: '25%' left: '10%' backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)'; const buttonStyle = paddingLeft: 10 textAlign: 'center'; Component { ; thisstate = minimize: false ; thisOSX = ; thisWindows = ; } { return <div => <div => <button = => minimize </button> <button = => maximize </button> <button = => restore </button> </div> <DnR ='dnr' = => <button => minimize </button> <button => maximize </button> <button => restore </button> <DnR ='subdnr' = = => content </DnR> </DnR> </div> ; } ReactDOM;