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2.3.0 • Public • Published

React Editable Json Tree

Node.js CI npm Node version React version

Security advisory

This library was previously affected by an eval security vulnerability. We have taken steps to mitigate this issue with non-breaking changes in this patch, v2.2.2, but for more info, please read our security advisory.

If you do not have time to read and want to completely mitigate this issue, simply set the allowFunctionEvaluation prop to false. In the next major version, we will set this value to false by default.

Table of Contents


Demo is available here: Demo


  • Json viewer
  • Collapse node conditionally via callback function
  • Add/remove/update node values
  • Implicit type inference of new values ({} for objects, [] for arrays, true for booleans, etc.)
  • Style via callback function
  • Make entire structure read-only (or individual nodes, by callback function)
  • Callback on global and delta updates
  • Supply custom buttons, inputs, etc. via props
  • Ability to confirm add/remove/update actions

How to use


npm install react-editable-json-tree
# or
yarn add react-editable-json-tree

Example Usage

// Import
import {
} from 'react-editable-json-tree'

// Data
const data = {
    error: new Error('error'),
    text: 'text',
    int: 100,
    boolean: true,
    null: null,
    object: {
        text: 'text',
        int: 100,
        boolean: true,
    array: [
            string: 'test',

// Component
<JsonTree data={data} />

Here is a screenshot of the result:




Key Description Type Required Default
data Data to be displayed/edited Object &#124; Array True None


Key Description Type Required Default
rootName Name of the root object string False root


Key Description Type Required Default
isCollapsed Whether the node is collapsed (for Array/Object/Error) Function False (keyPath, deep) => (deep !== 0)

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] ['object'] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
data Data of the current node/value unknown { string: 'test' } for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }


Key Description Type Required Default
onFullyUpdate Callback function called upon each update with the entire new data structure Function False () => {}

Function parameters:

Key Description Type
data Updated data Object &#124; Array (same type as the data prop)


Key Description Type Required Default
onDeltaUpdate Callback function called upon each update with only the data that has changed Function False () => {}

Function parameters:

Key Description Type
data Delta data Object

Delta data structure:

Key Description Type Example
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] ['object'] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
key Modified/created/removed key name string None
newValue New value unknown None
oldValue Old value unknown None


Key Description Type Required Default
readOnly If a boolean, whether the entire structure should be read-only. If a function, whether the node/value supplied to the function should be read-only (called for all nodes/values). boolean &#124; Function False (keyName, data, keyPath, deep, dataType) => false

This function must return a boolean.

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
keyName Key name of the current node/value string 'object' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
data Data of the current node/value unknown { string: 'test' } for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] ['object'] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
dataType Data type of the current node/value string 'Object', 'Array', 'Null', 'Undefined', 'Error', 'Number', ...


Key Description Type Required Default
getStyle Callback function which should return the CSS style for each node/value Function False (keyName, data, keyPath, deep, dataType) => {...}

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
keyName Key name of the current node/value string 'object' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
data data of the current node/value unknown { string: 'test' } for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] ['object'] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
dataType Data type of the current node/value string 'Object', 'Array', 'Null', 'Undefined', 'Error', 'Number', ...

An example of return:

    minus: {
        color: 'red',
    plus: {
        color: 'green',
    collapsed: {
        color: 'grey',
    delimiter: {},
    ul: {
        padding: '0px',
        margin: '0 0 0 25px',
        listStyle: 'none',
    name: {
        color: '#2287CD',
    addForm: {},

You can see the default style definitions in src/utils/styles.js.


Key Description Type Required Default
addButtonElement Custom add button element (to confirm adding a new value to an object/array) JSX.Element False <button>+</button>

The library will add an onClick handler to the element.


Key Description Type Required Default
cancelButtonElement Custom cancel button element (to cancel editing a value) JSX.Element False <button>c</button>

The library will add an onClick handler to the element.


Key Description Type Required Default
editButtonElement Custom edit button element (to finish editing a value) JSX.Element False <button>e</button>

The library will add an onClick handler to the element.


Key Description Type Required Default
inputElement Custom text input element (to edit a value) JSX.Element &#124; Function False (usage, keyPath, deep, keyName, data, dataType) => <input />

The library will add a placeholder, ref, and defaultValue prop to the element. This element will be focused when possible.

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
usage Usage of the generated input string All values are listed in INPUT_USAGE_TYPES
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] [] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
key Key of the current node/value string 'object' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
value Value of the key unknown { string: 'test' } for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
dataType Data type of the value string All values are listed in DATA_TYPES


Key Description Type Required Default
textareaElement Custom textarea element (to edit a long value, like functions) JSX.Element &#124; Function False (usage, keyPath, deep, keyName, data, dataType) => <textarea />

The library will add a ref and defaultValue prop to the element. This element will be focused when possible.

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
usage Usage of the generated input string All values are listed in INPUT_USAGE_TYPES
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] [] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
key Key of the current node/value string 'object' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
value Value of the key unknown { string: 'test' } for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
dataType Data type of the value string All values are listed in DATA_TYPES


Key Description Type Required Default
minusMenuElement Custom minus menu element (to remove a value from an object/array) JSX.Element False <span> - </span>

The library will add an onClick, className, and style prop to the element.


Key Description Type Required Default
plusMenuElement Custom plus menu element (to begin adding a new value to an object/array) JSX.Element False <span> + </span>

The library will add an onClick, className, and style prop to the element.


Key Description Type Required Default
beforeRemoveAction Async function called upon the user trying to remove a node/value with the minus menu element Function False (key, keyPath, deep, oldValue) => new Promise(resolve => resolve())

This function must return a Promise. If the promise is resolved, the node/value will be removed. Otherwise, if rejected, nothing will be done.

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
key Key name of the current node/value string 'object' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] [] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
oldValue Old value of the key unknown { string: 'test' } for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node


Key Description Type Required Default
beforeAddAction Async function called upon the user trying to add a node/value with the add menu element Function False (key, keyPath, deep, newValue) => new Promise(resolve => resolve())

This function must return a Promise. If the promise is resolved, the node/value will be added. Otherwise, if rejected, nothing will be done.

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
key Key of the current node/value string 'string' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] ['object'] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
newValue New value of the key unknown 'test' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'string' node


Key Description Type Required Default
beforeUpdateAction Async function called upon the user trying to edit a node/value Function False (key, keyPath, deep, oldValue, newValue) => new Promise(resolve => resolve())

This function must return a Promise. If the promise is resolved, the node/value will be updated. Otherwise, if rejected, nothing will be done.

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
key Key of the current node/value string 'string' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] ['object'] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
oldValue Old value of the key unknown 'test' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'string' node
newValue New value of the key unknown 'update' for data: { object: { string: 'update' } } on 'string' node


Key Description Type Required Default
logger Object used to log errors caught from promises (using only the 'error' key) Object False { error: () => {} }


Key Description Type Required Default
onSubmitValueParser Function called upon every value addition/update to parse raw string data from inputElements or textareaElements into the correct object types Function False (isEditMode, keyPath, deep, key, rawValue) => nativeParser(rawValue)

Function parameters:

Key Description Type Example
isEditMode Whether the value is being edited on an existing node/value, otherwise it's being newly added boolean True
keyPath Path to the current node/value string[] ['object'] for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
deep Depth of the current node number 1 for data: { object: { string: 'test' } } on 'object' node
key Key of the current node/value string 'string' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }
rawValue Raw string value from the inputElement or textareaElement string 'test' for data: { object: { string: 'test' } }


Key Description Type Required Default
allowFunctionEvaluation Allow strings that appear to be Javascript function definitions to be evaluated as Javascript functions boolean False True


The library assigns a CSS class to every element. All classes are prefixed with "rejt" to avoid name clashes. To avoid being linked with a CSS file, the library itself uses inline styles.

Here is the list of CSS classes, ordered by REJT element and depth, with the default HTML element on which each class is applied.


  • rejt-tree (div)



  • rejt-object-node (div)
    • rejt-name (span)
    • rejt-collapsed (span)
      • rejt-collapsed-text (span)
      • rejt-minus-menu (span)

Not Collapsed

  • rejt-object-node (div)
    • rejt-name (span)
    • rejt-not-collapsed (span)
      • rejt-not-collapsed-delimiter (span)
      • rejt-not-collapsed-list (ul)
      • rejt-not-collapsed-delimiter (span)
      • rejt-add-form (span)
      • rejt-plus-menu (span)
      • rejt-minus-menu (span)



  • rejt-array-node (div)
    • rejt-name (span)
    • rejt-collapsed (span)
      • rejt-collapsed-text (span)
      • rejt-minus-menu (span)

Not Collapsed

  • rejt-array-node (div)
    • rejt-name (span)
    • rejt-not-collapsed (span)
      • rejt-not-collapsed-delimiter (span)
      • rejt-not-collapsed-list (ul)
      • rejt-not-collapsed-delimiter (span)
      • rejt-add-form (span)
      • rejt-plus-menu (span)
      • rejt-minus-menu (span)


  • rejt-add-value-node (span)


  • rejt-function-value-node (li)
    • rejt-name (span)
    • rejt-edit-form (span)
    • rejt-value (span)
    • rejt-minus-menu (span)


  • rejt-value-node (li)
    • rejt-name (span)
    • rejt-edit-form (span)
    • rejt-value (span)
    • rejt-minus-menu (span)


npm commands


Build the library to dist/ using parcel.

npm run build


Publishes the library to npm. This runs a parcel build.

npm publish

Dev app

We have an app available in dev_app/ to test this library in your browser during development. We use yalc to build and link the REJT library inside this subpackage.

If you want to use this dev app, you must run the following command once to initialize yalc:

npm run yalcInit

This will tell yalc to link dev_app/ to the root REJT library (this link is usually stored in ~/.yalc/installations.json if you're curious). After initializing, you can run the following command in the root package every time you make changes to REJT to push the changes to the dev app (with hot-loading!):

npm run yalcPush

You can run the dev app just like any old create-react-app application (make sure you're running this inside the dev_app/ subpackage):

npm start

Inspired by


  • My wife BH to support me doing this




MIT (see

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npm i react-editable-json-tree

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