A React based table and inline row editable table using flexbox. This table uses declarative components to define its columns, rows, and header. Support for inline editing, insert, and deletion via defineable row edit feature.
npm i react-flexbox-table
Quick Start
There are two main components for rendering a table. DataTable is the basic render a table component that produces rows of defined columns with optional headers. EditTable extends DataTable to provide Create, Update, and Delete functionality. The Editing is provided as an inline row. It also provides a validation function to hook into the onSave call back.
;const data ="firstName": "Aretha""lastName": "Larsen""amount": 416"birthday": "2019-02-22T03:00:27-08:00""colors": "red""comment": "semper rutrum. Fusce dolor quam, elementum"const MyTablereturn<FlexTableDataTable items=data ><FlexTableBoundColumn binding= itemfirstName headerText="First Name" className="col-3"/><FlexTableBoundColumn binding= itemlastName headerText="Last Name" className="col-3"/><FlexTableBoundColumn binding= itemcomment headerText="Comment" className="col-6"/><FlexTableSubTable hideHeader cellClassName="col-12" isVisible= item && itemlastName === 'Andrews'onSubTableRender= <ColorList color=itemcolors/> /></FlexTableDataTable>;}...### Custom columnsYou can develope your own column types based by using the CustomColumn component using its onRender render property``` javascriptexport const MyColumn = <T extends {}>({ item, children, cellClassName, hideHeader, ...attrs }: MyColumnProps<T>) => {const render = (item: T) =><div>{item}</div>return <CustomColumn {...attrs} onRender={render} />};