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You can use this package and experiment with it but major changes may be introduced in future versions.

React - Give Me Map

Give-Me-Map is a library that allows you to add content on a map easily. Using Mapbox as an underlying map provider. The main features:

  • ✨ Simple to use
  • 🎨 Support many marker types
  • 💡 Create your content in JSON or draw your map on Mapheim and export it
  • 📦 Still Provides access to all underlying Mapbox API


Assuming you have react and react-dom packages already installed, you need to only install the following packages:

npm i react-give-me-map mapbox-gl react-map-gl


Below you can see a demo created through Mapheim - a map about a running race event in Norway. You can also see a live demo on

Example of a map with custom content


Adding a map

A minimal map to be loaded into your application may look like the code below. This will include the map with a default location and style and without any markers (content).

import * as React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { GiveMeMap } from 'react-give-me-map';

function App() {
    const [viewport, setViewport] = React.useState({
        latitude: 55.15,
        longitude: 15.02,
        zoom: 4.4

  return (
          mapboxAccessToken: '<MAPBOX_TOKEN_HERE>',
          longitude: viewport.longitude,
          latitude: viewport.latitude,
          zoom: viewport.zoom,
          onMove: (v) => {
              latitude: v.viewState.latitude,
              longitude: v.viewState.longitude,
              zoom: v.viewState.zoom
          style: {
            width: 1000,
            height: 400
        availableStyles: ['mapbox://styles/koudelka/cl6gs87ey002l15o9gnp7opx7']

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#root'))

Adding markers


To add markers to your map, add a markers parameter and fill it with the right data. An example marker can be seen below:

  const imageMarker: IImageWorldMarker = {
    id: '1',
    lat: 55,
    lng: 16,
    elementType: 'image',
    elementData: {
      src: '',

    // ...otherAttributes

Using Mapheim

A nice alternative, and more user friendly is to use Mapheim editor on where you can instantly create a new map and either use your map hosted directly on Mapheim platform, or you can export the marker in a JSON format. And include it as a JSON/variable in your code. See below how to find the export functionality in two steps:

Mapheim export functionality

Detail Marker's documentation

Below you can see listed all the market types.

Marker type Description
Text Represents a text
Image Renders an image
Draw Renders a pencil/pen drawing
Pin Renders a simple fixed-size marker that is represented by Image, Pin or Emoji
Polygon Represents a drawing of the polygon with multiple points
Direction Represents a path computed between selected points on the map
Youtube Renders a Youtube video that can be played
Link Renders a link to the external web including it's favicon

Common marker attributes

Attribute Type Required Default Description
id string required - Unique identifier of the marker
lat number required - Latitude position of the marker on the map
lng number required - Longitude position of the marker on the map
elementType enum required - Defines the type of market. One of text, image, draw, pin, polygon, direction, youtube, link
elementData object required - Defines the data of the marker, accepts different values dependent on the elementType, see the sections below for more information what is the structure
scalable boolean optional true Indicates if the marker will scale when the map is zoomed in/out
scale number optional 1 Defines the number that scales the marker > 1 to increase the size of the marker, < 1 to decrease the size of the marker
order number optional false defines if the marker is in front/behind other markers. Higher the value, the more in front the marker is

Text marker

Attribute Type Required Default Description
text string required - Text content of the marker
width number required - Defines the width of the marker. The text breaks after the given width
fill number required - Defines if the marker is filled with background, otherwise background is transparent
color string required - Background color of the marker in hexadecimal format
textColor string optional white Text color
borderRadiusPx number optional 0 Defines the border-radius style of the element in pixels
borderSize number optional 0 Defines the border-size style of the element in pixels
borderColor string optional black Defines the border-color style of the element
dropShadowCombined string optional empty Defines the box-shadow style of the element
textShadow string optional 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) when fill=false, otherwise gamma is 0.25 Defines the box-shadow style of the element

Image marker

Attribute Type Required Default Description
src string required - URL of the image to render
borderRadiusPx number optional 0 Defines the border-radius style of the element in pixels
borderSize number optional 0 Defines the border-size style of the element in pixels
borderColor string optional black Defines the border-color style of the element
dropShadowCombined string optional empty Defines the box-shadow style of the element

Link marker

Attribute Type Required Default Description
link string required - URL of the external website to redirect to when the marker is clicked
text string required - Text content of the marker
width number required - Defines the width of the marker. The text breaks after the given width
color string required - Background color of the marker in hexadecimal format. Text color is determined automatically
borderRadiusPx number optional 0 Defines the border-radius style of the element in pixels
borderSize number optional 0 Defines the border-size style of the element in pixels
borderColor string optional black Defines the border-color style of the element
dropShadowCombined string optional empty Defines the box-shadow style of the element

Draw marker

Attribute Type Required Default Description
type enum required - One of pen, brush value. The value pen will render a sharp link, while brush will render a line that is not sharp and is more suitable for highlighting
path string required - The definition of the line as a svg path. You can learn more about here.
width number required -
height number required - Defines the height of the marker
opacity number required - Defines the opacity style of the element. Accepts values between 0 and 1
strokeWidth number required - Defines the width of the drawn line
color string required - Defines the color of the drawn line
fill boolean required - Defines is the drawn shape should be filled in with the same color as the line

Pin marker

Attribute Type Required Default Description
label string optional - Defines text that is displayed next to the pin
img string optional -
emoji string optional - Defines content of the pin. Accepts a single character to be rendered as the pin. When set, the img and dotColor should not be set
dotColor string optional - Defines content of the pin. Accepts the color that the pin will be filled with. When set, the img and emoji should not be set

Polygon marker

Attribute Type Required Default Description
path string required -
coordinates array of objects required - Array of objects in the shape { lat: number; lng: number }. It defines all the vertices (points) of the polygon
width number required - Width of the line the polygon is drawn with
height number required - ???
color string required - Color of the polygon
fill boolean optional false

Direction marker

Attribute Type Required Default Description
start object required - An object that defines the start of the route defined as { lat: number; lng: number }
end object required - An object that defines the end of the route defined as { lat: number; lng: number }
coordinates array of objects required - Array of objects in the shape { lat: number; lng: number } that are rendered in between start and end points
transport enum required - One of 'driving-traffic, driving, walking, cycling, plane to define the type of transportation that the route is computed for.
lineColor string required - Color of the line that is rendered
lineOpacity number required - Defines the opacity style of the line
dropShadowColor string optional empty Defines the box-shadow style of the element

Youtube marker

Attribute Type Required Default Description
video string required - Youtube video identifier or a full video URL
borderRadiusPx number optional 0 Defines the border-radius style of the element in pixels
borderSize number optional 0 Defines the border-size style of the element in pixels
borderColor string optional black Defines the border-color style of the element
dropShadowCombined string optional empty Defines the box-shadow style of the element


If you're having trouble implementing Give Me Map, check out GitHub issues or create a new GitHub issue.

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