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React Google Reviews

React Google Reviews Integration by Featurable

Making adding Google reviews to any React app beautiful, easy, and free!

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npm GitHub release (latest SemVer) Release Date License: MIT Pull Requests welcome


This React Google Reviews library is brought to you by Featurable, and the following documentation can also be found at

What is it? React component to display Google reviews on your website. This library is built with React and uses the Google Places API -or- the free Featurable API to fetch and display Google reviews on your website.

Documentation and examples at Source code at


Check out the live demo to see the React Google Reviews library in action.


  1. Customizable: Choose from three layout options and customize the appearance of the reviews component
  2. SEO-friendly: Include JSON-LD structured data for search engines to index your reviews
  3. Responsive: Works on all devices and screen sizes
  4. Fast: Caches reviews for quick loading and improved performance
  5. Free: No cost to use the Featurable API for fetching reviews
  6. Fresh: Automatically updates with new reviews from Google every 48 hours (using Featurable API)
  7. Accessible: Built with accessibility in mind (WAI-ARIA compliant)
  8. Lightweight: Small bundle size and minimal dependencies


Install it from npm:

npm install react-google-reviews


Using the Featurable API (recommended)


  1. Create a free Featurable account at
  2. Create a new Featurable widget
  3. Click Embed > API and copy the widget ID

[!NOTE] The Featurable API is free to use and provides additional features like caching, automatic updates, and more reviews. To prevent abuse, the Featurable API is subject to rate limits.

Copy Featurable Widget ID

import { ReactGoogleReviews } from "react-google-reviews";
import "react-google-reviews/dist/index.css";

function Reviews() {
  // Create a free Featurable account at
  // Then create a new Featurable widget and copy the widget ID
  const featurableWidgetId = "842ncdd8-0f40-438d-9c..."; // You can use "example" for testing

  return (
    <ReactGoogleReviews layout="carousel" featurableId={featurableWidgetId} />

Using the Google Places API (limited to 5 reviews)


  1. Create a Google Cloud Platform account at
  2. Create a new project and enable the Google Places API (old version)
  3. Find the Google Place ID using the Place ID Finder
import { ReactGoogleReviews, dangerouslyFetchPlaceReviews } from "react-google-reviews";
import "react-google-reviews/dist/index.css";

 * Example using NextJS server component
async function ReviewsPage() {
  const placeId = "ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRU..."; // Google Place ID
  const apiKey = "AIzaSyD..."; // Google API Key

  // IMPORTANT: Only fetch reviews server-side to avoid exposing API key
  const reviews = await dangerouslyFetchPlaceReviews(placeId, apiKey)

  return (
    // Carousel and other layouts require wrapping ReactGoogleReviews in a client component
    <ReactGoogleReviews layout="badge" reviews={reviews} />

export default ReviewsPage;

[!NOTE] The Google Places API only returns the 5 most recent reviews. If you need more reviews or want to customize which reviews are returned, consider using the free Featurable API.



There are three layout options currently available:

  1. Badge: Display a badge with the average rating, total reviews, and link to Google Business profile
 <ReactGoogleReviews layout="badge" featurableId={featurableWidgetId} />

Badge Layout

  1. Carousel: An interactive carousel that displays reviews
 <ReactGoogleReviews layout="carousel" featurableId={featurableWidgetId} />

Carousel Layout

  1. Custom renderer: Render reviews using a custom function
<ReactGoogleReviews layout="custom" featurableId={featurableWidgetId} renderer={(reviews) => {
  return (
      {{ reviewId, reviewer, comment }) => (
        <div key={reviewId}>
}} />

The reviews prop is an array of GoogleReview objects with the following structure:

    reviewId: string | null;
    reviewer: {
        profilePhotoUrl: string;
        displayName: string;
        isAnonymous: boolean;
    starRating: number;
    comment: string;
    createTime: string | null;
    updateTime: string | null;
    reviewReply?: {
        comment: string;
        updateTime: string;
    } | null;

CSS Styling

For the carousel widget to work correctly, you must include the CSS file in your project:

import "react-google-reviews/dist/index.css";

To override the default styles, you can use the CSS props to add custom styles:

.read-more {
  color: blue;

  reviewReadMoreStyle={{ color: "blue" }}

Please see the documentation for a list of CSS properties and examples of how to style the component.

View CSS classes and examples


Common Props

Prop Type Description
featurableId string Featurable widget ID
reviews GoogleReview[] Array of reviews to display, fetched using dangerouslyFetchPlaceReviews
layout "badge" | "carousel" | "custom" Layout of the reviews component
nameDisplay? "fullNames" | "firstAndLastInitials" | "firstNamesOnly" How to display names on reviews
logoVariant? "logo" | "icon" | "none" How to display the Google logo
maxCharacters? number When collapsed, the maximum number of characters to display in the review body
dateDisplay? "relative" | "absolute" How to display the review date
reviewVariant? "card" | "testimonial" Review layout variations
theme? "light" | "dark" Color scheme of the component
structuredData? boolean Whether to include JSON-LD structured data for SEO
brandName? string Customize business name for structured data
productName? string Customize product name for structured data
productDescription? string Optional product description for structured data
accessibility? boolean Enable/disable accessibility features
hideEmptyReviews? boolean Hide reviews without text
disableTranslation? boolean Disables translation from Google to use original review text
totalReviewCount? number Total number of reviews on Google Business profile. This is automatically fetched if using featurableId. Otherwise, this is required if passing reviews manually and structuredData is true.
averageRating? number Average rating for Google Business profile. This is automatically fetched if using featurableId. Otherwise, this is required if passing reviews manually and structuredData is true.
errorMessage? React.ReactNode Custom error message to display if reviews cannot be fetched
loadingMessage? React.ReactNode Custom loading message to display while reviews are loading
isLoading? boolean Controls the loading state of the component when fetching reviews manually

GoogleReview Model

Prop Type Description
reviewId string | null Unique review ID
reviewer { profilePhotoUrl: string; displayName: string; isAnonymous: boolean; } Reviewer information
starRating number Star rating (1-5)
comment string Review text
createTime string | null Review creation time
updateTime string | null Review update time
reviewReply? { comment: string; updateTime: string; } | null Review reply information

Carousel Props

Prop Type Description
carouselSpeed? number Autoplay speed of the carousel in milliseconds
carouselAutoplay? boolean Whether to autoplay the carousel
maxItems? number Maximum number of items to display at any one time in carousel
readMoreLabel? string Read more label for truncated reviews.
readLessLabel? string Read less label for expanded reviews.
getRelativeDate? (date: Date) => string Formatting function for relative dates.
getAbsoluteDate? (date: Date) => string Formatting function for absolute dates.
showDots? boolean Whether to show/hide navigation dots in the carousel

Badge Props

Prop Type Description
profileUrl? string Link to Google Business profile, if manually fetching reviews via Place API. Using Featurable API will automatically supply this URL.
badgeLabel? string Label for the badge.
badgeSubheadingFormatter? (totalReviewCount: number) => string Function to format the badge subheading.

Custom Layout Props

Prop Type Description
renderer? (reviews: GoogleReview[]) => React.ReactNode Custom rendering function


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. By using the Featurable API, you agree to the Featurable Terms of Service.


This library uses slick-carousel and react-slick for the carousel layout.


Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.


Please report any issues or bugs you encounter on the GitHub Issues page.

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npm i react-google-reviews

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  • ryanschiang