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1.0.4 • Public • Published

A comprehensive component for tagging images. Check out demo 1 and demo 2 for some examples.


  • Bounding Box (Rectangle, Square, Circle, and Ellipse), and Polygon Annotations
  • Add, Edit, Drag, Rotate, and Delete Annotations
  • Zoom and Pan
  • Changing image on the fly
  • Colorful annotations
  • Raw or typed input/output

Screenshot of ImageAnnotator


Install react-image-label using npm.

npm install react-image-label

Then you can just import the component and its hook:

import { ImageAnnotator, useImageAnnotator } from 'react-image-label';

and use it as below:

const { setHandles, annotator } = useImageAnnotator();
  shortcut={{del: true, bksp: true }}
  onReady={annotator => { annotator.drawRectangle() }} />

Now you can draw rectangles on the image by dragging the left mouse button.

Mouse and Keyboard events

  • click: Edit/Stop Edit Annotations
  • Ctrl + mouse wheel: Zoom
  • Ctrl + mouse drag: Pan
  • mouse drag: Drag/Edit/Rotate Annotations

when using shortcut={{del: true, bksp: true }} in props (see Shortcut Settings):

  • Delete/Backspace key: Delete Annotations


The following props can be defined on ImageAnnotator:

Prop Type Description Default
imageUrl * string Use a state for image url if you want to change it on the fly
shapes Shape[] | any[] Annotations being displayed on load (see shapes)
naturalSize boolean To show image in its natural size false
width number container width image.naturalWidth
height number container height image.naturalHeight
discRadius number The radius of the green discs in edit mode 5
hideBorder boolean To hide annotation border false
shortcut Shortcut To configure shortcuts (see Shortcut Settings)
onAdded Shape => any When an annotation is drawn (see Annotations with Categories)
onEdited Shape => any When an annotation is reshaped, dragged, or rotated
onSelected Shape => any When an annotation goes into edit mode by double-clicking
onContextMenu Shape => any When an annotation is right-clicked (see Annotations with Categories)
onReady AnnotatorHandles => any When the component is mounted

(*) required props


You can access the handles using the annotator object as follows:

<button onClick={() => { annotator.drawCircle() }}>Draw Circle</button>

Below is a list of all handles:

Handle Type Description
drawCircle () => void Allows drawing circles by dragging the left mouse button
drawEllipse () => void Allows drawing ellipses by dragging the left mouse button
drawRectangle () => void Allows drawing rectangles by dragging the left mouse button (keep the shift key to draw square)
drawPolygon () => void Allows drawing polygons by clicking and double-clicking
drawDot () => void Allows adding dots (points) by clicking
stop () => void Stops draw/edit/drag mode
edit (id: number) => void The annotation identified by id can be edited and dragged
delete (id: number) => void Removes the annotation identified by id
stopEdit () => void Stops editing and dragging
updateCategories (id: number, categories: string[], color?: string) => void Updates the categories associated with the annotation identified by id
zoom (factor: number) => void Multiplies the dimensions by factor
getShapes () => Shape[] Gets all annotations (shapes)
container HTMLDivElement The div wrapping the SVG

Annotations with Categories

To attach one or more categories to an annotation, utilize onAdded and onContextMenu props being called when an annotation is drawn and right-clicked, respectively. Use shape.categories to get the previous categories as string[]:

const showCategoriesDialog = (shape) => {
  console.log( // 1
  console.log(shape.getCenterWithOffset()) // { X: 247.5, Y: 193 }
  console.log(shape.categories) // string []
  // Show a category selection component

return (

Finally, call annotator.updateCategories to update the categories of the annotation.


The data models for all shapes are listed below:

Shape Data Model type Value
Circle { id: number, centre: [number, number], radius: number, categories: string[], type: string, color: string } circle
Ellipse { id: number, centre: [number, number], radiusX: number, radiusY: number, phi: number, categories: string[], type: string, color: string } ellipse
Rectangle { id: number, points: [number, number][], phi: number, categories: string[], type: string, color: string } rectangle
Polygon { id: number, points: [number, number][], categories: string[], type: string, color: string } polygon
Dot { id: number, position: [number, number], categories: string[], type: string, color: string } dot

Shortcut Settings

Below is a list of shortcuts that are configured through shortcut prop:

Key Type Description Default
del boolean To enable the Delete key to remove the annotation that is in edit mode false
bksp boolean To enable the Backspace key to remove the annotation that is in edit mode false


  • Fork the project.
  • Make changes.
  • Run the project in development mode: npm run ladle.
  • Write your own tests and/or update existing ones in src/test dir.
  • Check the new features and changes using annotator.stories.tsx or your own Stories (*.stories.tsx).
  • Update README with appropriate docs.
  • Commit and PR


The package is dependent on SVG.js through react-svgdotjs package. The following peer dependencies must be specified by your project in order to avoid version conflicts: react, react-dom. NPM will not automatically install these for you but it will show you a warning message with instructions on how to install them.

Package Sidebar


npm i react-image-label-v2

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  • rodr16024