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1.1.4 • Public • Published

React Images Trimming Tool TB

GIF Animation

react-images-trimming-tool-tb is a React package designed to simplify image trimming by using the canvas HTML element and allowing users to create selections directly on the image .

Problem it solves

It eliminates the need for multiple backend trimming operations, reducing API calls, S3 storage usage, and associated costs.


  • Interactive Image Trimming: Enables users to select and trim images directly in the browser using the mouse.
  • Efficient Rendering: Uses img tags for rendering images and canvas for trimming operations.
  • Cost Optimization: Reduces API calls and minimizes cloud storage usage by trimming images client-side.
  • Customizable: Offers flexibility to handle multiple image trimming operations seamlessly.


Install the package using npm or yarn:

npm install react-images-trimming-tool-tb


yarn add react-images-trimming-tool-tb


Here’s a basic example of how to use the package:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ImagesTrimmingTool  from 'react-images-trimming-tool-tb';

const App = () => {

  const handleSave = ({ trimSections, canvasRefs }) => {
    console.log("Trim Sections:", trimSections);
    console.log("Canvas References:", canvasRefs);

  return (
      <h1>React Images Trimming Tool</h1>

export default App;

Make Sure

For accurate results, ensure that all images inside the array have the exact same widths.

Example of trimSection Object

    startY: 10,          // Starting Y coordinate of the selection
    endY: 40,            // Ending Y coordinate of the selection
    imageIndex: 0,       // Index of the image in the images array
    id: 185545           // Unique identifier for the trim section

Important Note

The trimSections object received in the onSave callback corresponds to the actual dimensions of the image, not the rendered image size (which defaults to 400px or the value set in the width prop).

This means that all coordinates (startX, startY, endX, endY) are calculated relative to the original image size, ensuring accurate trimming when applied on the original image.


If the actual image width is 800px and you provide the width prop as 400px (which is the default):

  • Rendered image: 400px width
  • Actual image: 800px width

Let’s say you select a section with the following coordinates on the rendered image:

  • startY: 10
  • endY: 40

These coordinates represent the rendered image of 400px. However, since the actual image width is 800px, the coordinates will be scaled based on the ratio of the actual image width to the rendered image width.

  • Scale factor = 800 / 400 = 2

This means that the same section in the actual image will have the following coordinates:

  • startY: 10 * 2 = 20
  • endY: 40 * 2 = 80

So, the coordinates in the callback will be for the actual image size, ensuring accurate trimming when applied to the original image.


Prop Type Required Default Description
images array Yes [] Array of image URLs to load into the trimming tool.
onSave function No () => {} Callback function triggered when saving trims.
onTrim function No () => {} Callback function triggered when a trimming operation is performed.
onRevert function No () => {} Callback function triggered when reverting a trimming operation.
width number No 400 Width of the image to be rendered.
selectionColor string No 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)' Background color for inactive selections.
selectionBorder string No '2px dotted red' Border style for inactive selections.
activeSelectionColor string No 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.3)' Background color for the active selection.
activeSelectionBorder string No '1px solid pink' Border style for the active selection.


For any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out via

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npm i react-images-trimming-tool-tb

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  • tushar0135