React Component Boilerplate
A boilerplate project to get started building modular React components, and deploying them to NPM.
Getting started
git clone
- cd into project
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin <your-git-remote-url>
yarn install
ornpm install
- Update package.json with relevant information (name, description, keywords, repository, author, license, bugs, homepage)
The development environment is already setup and ready to go (hot-loading and linting included!)
- Build only your library component/components in /src folder (this is what will be published to npm)
- Rendering for testing/development should be done in /site/src (this can also be used as a static site for examples, docs, etc.)
yarn start
ornpm start
Tests are written in the /test
directory, using Jest, and enzyme
Publishing to npm
- Ensure correct information in package.json
npm publish
(this will build the project, then publish it)
Building the static site for deployment
The code in /site can be build into a static site and deployed (examples, docs, etc. are a great use case!)
npm run buildSite
Using github-pages
- From repo page Settings => Github Pages, set Source to
master branch
npm run buildSite
git push origin master